Using hair products past the shelf life?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Do use hair products past the shelf life date? I was doing some mixology this weekend and noticed my Hairveda Sitrinillah deep conditioner started separating when I had some oils and honey to it which meant it's was past the shelf date. I throw it out.
It depends. Mostly, on how it was manufactured. I have been known to use some Lush products past the date. If the product is a butter that consists of oils only, I will use unless it begins to smell off. If product was manufactured by a small company and I have kept it refrigerated, looks okay and smells okay with no separation, I will use it. But for the most part, if it has a date, I do my best to make sure it's gone by then.
I was wondering about this too since it's getting cooler I'm not going to use products with glycerin. I fear that by the time it warms up they will be past their shelf life and I would have wasted money. That should teach the PJ in me a lesson huh?
As long as a product doesn’t have visible signs of decay, such as mold or a distinct funky odor, I will use it beyond its suggested expiration date (especially if it has been refrigerated since its purchase).

BTW, added oils will eventually separate from most conditioners after a period of rest; just re-marry the mixture by stirring and apply. Methinks you discarded a jar of perfectly good Sitrinillah.
Hmmm, my mom might get a little angry because our extra fridge is going to get a little fuller......
I just tossed the last of my KCCC I purchased 2 years ago. I didn't use it much and it looked a bit different when I checked it out the other day. It didn't smell bad, but the scent was gone. I didn't want to take a chance. I rarely have conditioners (leave in or rinse out) over a year max, but since I don't use stylers much, they're usually in the back of a cabinet until I discover it. For me it also depends on what type of preservatives are used.

I agree with PJaye, separating (especially when its an oil/water mixture) is fine.
Unless it smells funny or has a weird texture even after stirring I still use it. But my products never last that long! I wish