Using Cassia and Indigo


New Member
I want to use Cassia to condition my hair instead of Henna cuz I don't want any red color in my hair at all.

Then I was wanting to put Indigo in my hair to get that jet black color. Has anyone tried this. Is it okay to do this.

I bought both products from Henna Sooq. I want to do this today as soon as possible so if you all could help me out with your responses that'd be great.

Go ahead, do problem. Remember to deep moisturize afterward, the Indigo does not have to sit too long, it loses efficacy if it sits too long once mixed with water.
PS..informed by JLove and some Wikipedia research.....I discovered CASSIA is not henna but a plant related to cinnamon...yup, you must use HENNA proper first.
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luzminerva said:
I want to use Cassia to condition my hair instead of Henna cuz I don't want any red color in my hair at all.

Then I was wanting to put Indigo in my hair to get that jet black color. Has anyone tried this. Is it okay to do this.

I bought both products from Henna Sooq. I want to do this today as soon as possible so if you all could help me out with your responses that'd be great.


I remember Catherine, from Henna For Hair saying that if you do Cassia and Indigo, your hair won't turn black, but a hint of blue. You need to do a henna so that the indigo will have something to adhere too. Or the other option is to do a 50/50 henna/indigo mix to get a dark brown.

Ask Sareca before you start for more detail, since she does henna and indigo/
JLove74 said:
I remember Catherine, from Henna For Hair saying that if you do Cassia and Indigo, your hair won't turn black, but a hint of blue. You need to do a henna so that the indigo will have something to adhere too. Or the other option is to do a 50/50 henna/indigo mix to get a dark brown.

Ask Sareca before you start for more detail, since she does henna and indigo/

JLove, isn't cassia henna without the tint?
I'm going with Jlove on this one.I got these pics out of Catherine's henna FAQ. The first picture shows what straight henna, henna/indigo, and straight indigo look like on white goat hair.

You can see the indigo is not pretty. It's sort of a blue-greenish color.


I'm guessing you're trying to get the color of that last one. :) To get that you'll need to henna first. If you don't like the red from henna then henna first and indigo immediately afterwards. You'll only have henna red for a few minutes.

Also: You don't have to henna before every indigo treatment. I only henna once very couple of indigo treatments.

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Thank you all very much. I don't have any henna and don't feel like waiting to get some. I think I will try Bigen chinese hair color then use Cassia to condition my hair every two weeks. Anyone tried that before?
LuzMinerva? You have no Indian/Pakastani grocers near you? The shops will definitely have a box of henna there; I use AFSHAN MEHNDI {$1.99-$2.49 at the grocers} before my INDIGO bought from Catherine's Henna for Hair with no problems. Long as it is BODY ART QUALITY you should not have a problem...please do a strand test first using hair from your brush--there'll be plenty there to harvest......the results will be worth your delay. I love my indigoed black my contrasting silver roots show me my suddenly :eek: rapid growth {warm weather grower I guess I am!} as they grow out.