Using an Ex as an ego booster...


New Member
Here's my dilema:

I recently re-established contact with an ex who completely borke my heart about 9 months ago (he cheated). The reason we got back in contact is because we lived together at one point, and I wanted to ensure that he hadn't recieved any tax related documents belonging to me after I had moved. Anyway, in his communications to me he goes on to tell me that he misses me, he still loves me, and he wants to see me. I have no love for this man because he is a proven dog, and there is no way I'd ever see him again (I moved to a different state just to be safe); but I can't lie, it felt good to be told all of these things, so I didn't stop him. It felt good to still be wanted this long after the fact, kind of like an ego boost.

My question is, was it wrong to allow him to go on about his feelings if I don't reciprocate them? Is it wrong to keep someone around just because they boost your ego? I almost feel like he owes it to me since he cheated.

What do you ladies think?
I would not say it was wrong, just make sure you don't fall for those lines not matter what....Also remember guys have been know to say what they need to get a feel for you maybe to see if he has another chance to hit....he maybe tryin to feel you out.

But by all mean soak up the compliments and enjoy from a distance....just my 2 cents. Maybe other ladies will chim in with something different
I would not say it was wrong, just make sure you don't fall for those lines not matter what....Also remember guys have been know to say what they need to get a feel for you maybe to see if he has another chance to hit....he maybe tryin to feel you out.

But by all mean soak up the compliments and enjoy from a distance....just my 2 cents. Maybe other ladies will chim in with something different

I agree, especially with the bolded.

I wouldn't entertain his trifilin' *** solely for the purpose of boosting my ego. You don't wanna get sucked back in. But I wouldn't feel any particular way about listening to him pour his heart out and not really giving a shyt. :look:
I wouldn't have any further conversations with him. One thing you know for sure about him is that he's a cheater and liar and was trying to get over on you. He might be trying the same thing now. :ohwell:
Thanks ladies, yall are the best. And trust me, theres no way he could ever suck me back in, been there, done that, got the emotional scars to prove it.

I won't be in contact with him again, its just nice that the one time I had to contact him he at least managed to prove himself useful, lol. :)
Thanks ladies, yall are the best. And trust me, theres no way he could ever suck me back in, been there, done that, got the emotional scars to prove it.

I won't be in contact with him again, its just nice that the one time I had to contact him he at least managed to prove himself useful, lol. :)

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: