using a baggie for my whole head...


Active Member
hi. At the moment my hair is in natural twists. Last night i mixed peppermint oil, glycerin, cedorwood essential oil, and coconut oil and put them on my scalp. The peppermint made it feel great, really stimulating.
Then i sprayed the rest if my hair with a good amount of my rosewater, glycerin and coconut oil mix.
I coated my ends with solution of castor oil, glyercin, grapeseed oil and profectiv 60second strenthening reconstructor.
Next i put a plastic cap (baggie) on and coverd it with a head-tie.

This morning i have lovely moist soft hair! and my scalp feels great. I also found its easy to do a head massarge with this on because the oils allow smooth movements. I read on another thread that growing hair is like growing a plant -it needs to be kept in a warm/moist enviroment. Hopefully my full-head baggies will help my hair grow and grow. :)
I posted about this method last year, i used it on my hair too, let me see if i can find the thread for you.