Use to Stretching NOW paranoid to relax sooner than...


Well-Known Member
Ladies- I've reaped the benefits in stretching my relaxer to 12-16 weeks. Now I'm paranoid to relax sooner than 12 weeks.

I'm going on a weekend getaway and I'll be 9 1/2 weeks post but I'm scared to relax my new growth...thinking it's too soon. CRAZY, I've never thought I'll be saying this because I use to relax every 6 wks prior to LHCF....Does anyone else feel this way???
I know how you feel. I was right with you getting a touch up around 6 or 7 weeks! Now I stretch 12 weeks as well and I wouldn't even DREAM of getting a relaxer sooner than that!
Practice braidouts and bantu knots before your trip and maybe you can go without the relaxer.hth
I feel ya. I'm a 10-12 week stretcher after my failed 7 month transition. :ohwell:
But thanks to that failed transition, I have no problems going 10-12 weeks before relaxers. I just started texlaxing at my last touch up.

I found that I personally don't like going beyond 12 wks because my hair starts breaking and Lord knows, I'm just geting my thickness back.:yep:
Thanks Ladies...I'm going to try and wait it out...

FAMU- I just got my thickness back too and I don't want to mess it up..that's my biggest concern:yep: