Use MTG While Pregnant?


New Member
Has anyone used Mane Tail Groom while pregnant? I am 5 months pregnant and not sure if it is safe. I should probably just wait until after the baby is born and after I've finished breastfeeding, huh?
wow, I don;'t know if it's that potent that you should lay off of it, but if you are concerned, I would reccomend just using Surge in it's stead or something else like Wild Growth or Doo Grow oil.
No, its not safe due to the cade oil that is in MTG. Cade oil is said to cause miscarriages. Check out this thread for more information regarding safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If you are speaking of the shampoo and conditioner you sh/ be fine. Any other topical additives should also be ok but I would check with my OB first. I am pregnant as well (5 months yeah!!) and am just keeping it simple for the next 21 months (9 months pregnant, 12 months breastfeeding) to ensure I give my baby the most natural and best I can.

mrsbookworm said:
Has anyone used Mane Tail Groom while pregnant? I am 5 months pregnant and not sure if it is safe. I should probably just wait until after the baby is born and after I've finished breastfeeding, huh?
I,m new to this site and I usually don't go into a thread where I may have a different view but this alarmed me and I have to put my 2pennies in. If your talking about the stuff you can buy from the drugstore it has been tried and tested on humans and made for humans and is safe.

If your talking about that stuff that you order from the horse supplier ,definitely NOT!! Every time I see a thread for this stuff I cringe. This ointment is made to treat fungus on animals it is not made for human use at all and the formula may not be consistent from batch to batch . I for a minute was tempted to buy this junk but the thought of putting this stinky ointment on my scalp to make hair grow repulsed me let alone the thought of the folks at the farm outlet laughing at us for buying this crap cause "ya know they hair don't grow like ours". I don't mean to offend anyone personally but our hair grows fine without the use of such extreme measures. Now they talking about using Monistat to make hair grow , who discovered that? My Mom used to always say "follow your first mind" Do that and throw that stuff out ,please.
Fully agree with you. I was assuming the Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner but if folks are talking about that topical treatment - let it go. Our hair is growing quicker now anyway due to the increased blood flow from pregnancy along w/ the additional vitamins circulating through our system from the prenatal vitamins.

Long hair doesn't come from gimmicks. It comes from gentle treatment and patience.

msdeevee said:
I,m new to this site and I usually don't go into a thread where I may have a different view but this alarmed me and I have to put my 2pennies in. If your talking about the stuff you can buy from the drugstore it has been tried and tested on humans and made for humans and is safe.

If your talking about that stuff that you order from the horse supplier ,definitely NOT!! Every time I see a thread for this stuff I cringe. This ointment is made to treat fungus on animals it is not made for human use at all and the formula may not be consistent from batch to batch . I for a minute was tempted to buy this junk but the thought of putting this stinky ointment on my scalp to make hair grow repulsed me let alone the thought of the folks at the farm outlet laughing at us for buying this crap cause "ya know they hair don't grow like ours". I don't mean to offend anyone personally but our hair grows fine without the use of such extreme measures. Now they talking about using Monistat to make hair grow , who discovered that? My Mom used to always say "follow your first mind" Do that and throw that stuff out ,please.
I stopped using MTG the second I learned I was pregnant and I don't plan to again until I'm finished nursing (whenever that is...!).
msdeevee said:
I,m new to this site and I usually don't go into a thread where I may have a different view but this alarmed me and I have to put my 2pennies in. If your talking about the stuff you can buy from the drugstore it has been tried and tested on humans and made for humans and is safe.

If your talking about that stuff that you order from the horse supplier ,definitely NOT!! Every time I see a thread for this stuff I cringe. This ointment is made to treat fungus on animals it is not made for human use at all and the formula may not be consistent from batch to batch . I for a minute was tempted to buy this junk but the thought of putting this stinky ointment on my scalp to make hair grow repulsed me let alone the thought of the folks at the farm outlet laughing at us for buying this crap cause "ya know they hair don't grow like ours". I don't mean to offend anyone personally but our hair grows fine without the use of such extreme measures. Now they talking about using Monistat to make hair grow , who discovered that? My Mom used to always say "follow your first mind" Do that and throw that stuff out ,please.

No, I would not use the product while pregnant.

But, to address the above. MTG was originally made for human use and became a crossover product for animals. I really don't see why there is so much of a problem with it because the difference between Mane Tail and Groom and Mane N' Tail (which you see in Wal-in both Health and beauty air and on the pet isle) is that Mane Tail and Groom (MTG) was originally made for people and Mane N Tail was originally intended for horses- both have crossed ovr just in different ways. No one seems to have or had a problem when Mane N Tail crossed over from horses to people but people seem to have a problem with MTG crossing over from people to horses :ohwell: . In both cases, neither one of the ingredients have changed in the crossover (I definitely know this for a fact pertaining to Mane N Tail because I have compared the older bottles with the new.)

Congratulations on your new arrival. :)