IDareT'sHair - too many still don't honor the Man that made many things possible for us. It's sad & bit disturbing
. I usually go to an annual MLK Jr Day luncheon with Mom & step-dad, but I just wanted to chill at home. Didn't do my hair yesterday, so getting it in today!
Got the heat cap on now. I just found an oil blend I threw together, months ago, i think its wheat germ oil, cocasta, jbco, camellia oil, possibly sweet almond, macadamia. I slathered it on top of my DC - WHOA felt amazing.
divachyk - I have 2 bloom.com vouchers, I want to use them towards a clarsonic. I'm going to drop the bomb on the big one. My skin is a mess! May splurge end of this month or early next month.
Oh yeh, I finished KBBLLHM
, found 1/2 bottle BFH Pistachio Mask
. I do like this DC, just forgot it was back there. Since I know this is on the expiry list it's the next DC to use up.