Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Riddle me this.

You make the products. You shipped the products. The products get a shipping tracking number.

Weeks later the shipping doesn't update. You tell the customer the package probably is lost and you will ship another package.

Days later the customer asks for the new tracking number. You tell the customer the tracking number will be the same.....:oops:
Riddle me this.

You make the products. You shipped the products. The products get a shipping tracking number.

Weeks later the shipping doesn't update. You tell the customer the package probably is lost and you will ship another package.

Days later the customer asks for the new tracking number. You tell the customer the tracking number will be the same.....:oops:

Possible if the tracking number hasn't been scanned by USPS yet. But as a business owner not something I would do. They are probably reprinting the same label to not have to pay for another label.

Now that's assuming they are being truthful and actually sent it the first time.
Kheimistrii is tracking , Negesbanda first order is tracking , Tangles and Beyond second order tracking has been received.

Waiting on second order from Negesbanda.

Might place an order with Soultanicals for the two new Ambunu products and Manekrush if I win a 60% off coupon.
Well it’s been forever. I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted in here since 2019. I think it’s fitting that I came back at this time of year :giggle:. I need an accountability partner pretty please. If I haven’t been here for a week please contact me.

Products I’ve already purchased: Melanin Haircare (new to me, first purchase) Sunny in Denbigh, Curl of Essance
Products to still purchase: I’ll wait until after I purchase, I know how y’all do

I’m still in VA, blessed to still be working. I’m the HBIC and they be trying me but I’m good. I love it.

I hope everyone is well.
I just purchased Ecoslay. First purchase for me. I got the wash day bundle and their rice pudding leave in conditioner and moisturizer. They’re 40% off until 2am. No code needed. Then 30% off until 11:59pm.