Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Wait... Hairveda is out of business now?? I went on Hattache and there’s a couple of products available. I have one Vatika Frosting left in my stash, but that was from that epic sale Pampered and Twisted had a while back. Apparently they closed down too.

No!! Say it ain't so!! I loved the Vatika Frosting and the shikakai shampoo bar way back in the day. I was JUST about to start ordering the vatika frosting again. Hairveda is available on other websites?
So I may wash my hair this weekend. I haven't decided yet. If I do, I will blow dry it. It was nice seeing my hair in all its length. I am claiming WL which is where I was after my last relaxer.

As far as wash day, it's going to be cold and I'm feeling lazy already :yawn:
So I may wash my hair this weekend. I haven't decided yet. If I do, I will blow dry it. It was nice seeing my hair in all its length. I am claiming WL which is where I was after my last relaxer.

As far as wash day, it's going to be cold and I'm feeling lazy already :yawn:

This is me right now. I’m debating washing this weekend too... but the thought of it makes me feel tired already lol, so we’ll see. I plan to blow dry again too but will use low heat this time instead. And yay on making WL! :toocool: