Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

But the creamy oils are 8 ounces now verses the 4 they used to be.
Were the 8 ounce oils ever $10? I don't recall.
Looks like the best time to get them would be in a bundle since they would be around $10 or less each.
They've gone up on prices but ounces too (as it relates to creamy oil and a few other things). I don't usually purchase anything else from them.
They use to be $10.50.:look: Not sure how many ounces were in that Amber Tube?

I was buying the Bod.y Frostings @ 3 for $25.00. I personally liked the smaller jars and I currently don't have any interest in the 8oz'ers.

I think the smaller ones of each should still be an option.:angry2:
Okay the amber tubes were about 5 or 6 ounces. So $14.50 for 8 ounces is about right unless you get a bundle where they amount to less than $10 as I said.
I don't have any interest in the body frostings anymore but I'm noticing that more companies are ridding themselves of 4 ounces and jumping to 8. I'm sure it saves them money in the long run but it isn't very user friendly to the consumer because it is too much product.
My family members LOVE that creamy oil so 8 ounces will pretty much last them until their next visits up here lol...
The 8oz creamy oil is actually less per ounce now, and I don't mind it so much, but probably would have been easier to introduce the 8oz while phasing out the 5.5oz. I won't stop buying, but it would probably have to be during a good sale.

The body frosting hits me the hardest.