Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Finally remembered to wear my slap out today.:infatuated:

That durn U.P.S came did not ring doorbell and I had to go to the nearest U.P.S. Store and pick up my package.:swearing:

I'm really not understanding them, not ringing the bell. This is just out of control.:angry2:

When I put in a claim earlier this month, it was because they took my package to the pick up location but didn't leave a notice saying so and ama.zon didn't say either. So how am I supposed to know. I thought one of my neighbors was living it up in my rosewater. Took for me to get another package to find out the hard way. still doesn't update the site regularly, so luckily, I know when I see an Indian last name signing for my packages, it's the pharmacy. The website could still be better. So could their overall service.