Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

This TMN Amla & Avocado makes a good baggying cream. I like it as a baggy cream moisturizer.

I'll probably use the Banana Cream (Limited Edition) as a Baggy Cream. I see a lot of baggying in my almost 24 month post future.

@shawnyblazes Have you used the TMN Amla?
Yes. It was too thick for me. I gave it to my son. The only things I like consistently are the condition me and the new DC.

I tried to make it work but never sunk in. The Buttercream one as well. @IDareT'sHair
Yes. It was too thick for me. I gave it to my son. The only things I like consistently are the condition me and the new DC. I tried to make it work but never sunk in. The Buttercream one as well.
Yeah, it's definitely one of those "a little goes a long way" types of things.

I'm definitely liking it as a Baggy Cream.

I still have the Banana and the Moisture Cream to try.

And the Green Tea & Avocado DC'er (or whatever it's called).

I don't think I wanna try the Babbasu one because it has "hold"