Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

At this point, I don't have a 'clue' what I'll be needing BF (other than ED JBCO).

I'm sitting on "F" right now.

That's why I really need to work my way through some stuff.

Maybe some MD (which would be a nice treat).
My 'new' line for Fall/Winter is Siamese Twist and I've been killin' it lately, (as far as, stocking stuff away for Fall/Winter).

Those Hair Butters/Cremes will be my Fall/Winter go-to's.

So, whatever I don't get (between now & then), I'll pick up x1 or x2 things from there.

I already know I want another Raspberry Henna Hair Crème.:drool:

If I were making a list today.......
x1 16oz BBD Stretch (staple)
x1 16oz Claudie Salve (Fall/Winter)
x1 Liter Cathy Howse UBH (staple)

*A couple things from QB* (AOHC, BRBC, abcdefghijk Butter)

It would be 'great' if I would stick to just these & nothing else.

But we already know that ain't gone happen.:perplexed:.....:nono:
My list:

4 SD Razz
2 NG Irish Moss 16oz
2 NG Tea Rinse
3 APB Pudding
2 APB Leave Ins
2 HTN Follicle Booster and Oil
1 Healthy Hair Butter
3 CD Monoi Anti Breakage spray
2 Claudies Reconstructor
