Well-Known Member
I can't wait to wash my hair tomorrow my scalp did pretty good all week. I like the mixed greens, it will take me a while to use it up but that is ok. I'm going to do my hair early tomorrow so i can chill for the rest of the weekend. My wash reggie
Prepoo- burts bees
Wash- diluted head and shoulder 2x
Condition and detangle- moisture maniac
deep condition with- conditioning balm and shea oil 15 minutes under the dryer.
braid- k-leave in
scalp- mixed greens.
What are you all doing for wash day?
I'm gonna wash in a few hours. I'll prepoo with CPR and JBCO, wash with Aveda DR poo, and DC with Jasmine's Nourishing.
I didn't get my HV shipping notice yet

I'll be using up my last jar of CPR tonight. I should order some from Sally's with the 15%. That's the only staple that I will need. Oh, and I finally got my Marie Dean stuff. I've been using the Amla Creamy Hair Butter and so far, I like it. It looks like baby s**t but it smells good and feels great on my hair.