Well-Known Member
i threw my sunshine in the trash yesterday and now i wanna get it outI plan to give Sunshine another chance because my hair loves that stuff. I never got a bad batch. So I will be looking for her store to reopen.
Robot--Definitely let us know about the consistency and how it works. TIA.

i dug around in it to see if i felt anything in it and i didnt but i was still scared. i may take it out the trash tonight or just wait for her store to reopen. (btw i didnt put it in the kitchen trash lol its my own personal can, no gunk and junk to dig around in

also i almost forgot my curlmart stuff came today

anyway i got: baby buttercreme, quick curls, a sample of stretch silkening cream, curly pudding and kccc.
i got the quick curls because it reminds me of be curly from the description. and it actually has great ingredients compared to the other miss jessies products.
i used it today. i co washed with giovanni xtreme protein, then on soaking wet hair i seperated my hair into four big sections and raked through with my fingers the quick curls and a little qhemet soft hold gel.
i dont think my hair dried any faster than it normally would because i wrap my hair in a towel. anyway its a good cream. if i had to choose i would pick be curly becuase it gives great definition and keeps my hair soft with no other added product. quick curls, my hair is soft in some places and almost crunchy in other places. its kinda like the hair is almost hard but if you pluck it apart it gets soft. but my hair does look great today i must say so it is a keeper. i like it but it does not beat be curly.
oh and the smell is