I just used the last of my Avocado Silk conditioner from Jasmine's. Its on my hair as I type. I will repurchase but not until I'm ready to order more body stuff. I just got my box from her and I looooove the Mango Papaya and Vanilla Buttercream Body Frostings!!!!
I actually got the Vanilla with the intention of giving it to my mother but she might have to wait for the next round.
I'm gonna start doing some cowashes again so I can really start using up some of my conditioners. I have Oyin Honey Hemp and Jasmine's Shea Butter Rinse, Babassu, Sea Moss Bio Mineral, and Ultra Nourishing conditioners to use up
. At least, with this Challenge, I am more aware of what I have and what I actually need. I go to pick up something I know I don't need and I think "Shoot, but I'll have to confess to my Challenge sistahs" and I put it back.
That's what I need.