Urghhhh! I itch!! ORS Olive Oil


Well-Known Member
My scalp is itching like crazy right now. I did an ORS Olive Oil (no lye, regular strengh) touch up last night after a few months of stretching. About an hour ago, my scalp started itching like crazy. Besides washing it again when I get home, what else should I do?
I would wash again because if you are itching, it could be a reaction to the chemical. Wash again with neutralizing shampoo.
I would wash again because if you are itching, it could be a reaction to the chemical. Wash again with neutralizing shampoo.
I used this relaxer and it made my scalp really itchy too. My scalp flaked a whole bunch too. I used T-Gel shampoo and Qhemet Alma and Olive Heavy Cream on my scalp and it was just like new. No flakes, no itching.:D
OMG this happened to me too! After switching to no-lye with ORS the next few days, I had flaking like never before (big huges flakes-- and I never get flakes or dandruff) and itching like mad! I even started a thread. There were few responses so I figured no one else had this happen to them with ORS-- esp. since it gets such rave reviews. Anyway, on top of it, my hair was soooo dry. I dropped that relaxer like a bad habit. ORS IS NOT FOR ME.
I didn't notice this for me, just really dry hair.

Suprising though, because my scalp flames up when anything but castor oil or vaseline touches it.

Picky thing it is.
Wishin4BSL said:
I used this relaxer and it made my scalp really itchy too. My scalp flaked a whole bunch too. I used T-Gel shampoo and Qhemet Alma and Olive Heavy Cream on my scalp and it was just like new. No flakes, no itching.:D

I'll give this a try tonight, since I'm still itching a little.

Thanks y'all.