Urgent question about roller setting


Active Member
Hey guys,

This is my current method of wahing and roller setting.
I wash with the infusium 23 shampoo, condition with the infusium 23 conditioner, spray in the leave in treatment and then put in the curlers / rollers and let it air dry.

Now my problem is that its always frizzy when i take out the rollers and it doesnt look like how it looks after the rollers are taken out in the salon or even when people do it. Its just curled the texture looks like i just combed the hair and left it on to dry. I dont know if i'm making sense but in a nutshell, i want to know if there is anything i'm missing or not using so that i can buy it / them tommorrow since i need to wash my hair then.

Any help will be reeeaaaally appreciated.
There are some posts about rollersetting...you could search the forum for them, but um, i think maybe if you use a leave in conditioner and some serum or HHB, or mango butter, or something that moisturizes really good and when you roll, make sure the hair is smooth and apply firm even tension.
Are you positive that the hair is COMPLETELY dry before removing? I used to remove rollers when I only thought they were dry and the ends were just the slightest bit damp, but boy does it make a humongous difference. Make sure it's 100% dry before removing.
I dunno... I don't like your choice of products too much. I think that you need a better DEEP conditioner. I only would use those conditioners for conditioner washes. The leave-in works for some people, but not for me. And I would use a more gentle shampoo. I would also use an oil.

When other people roller set your hair, what products do they use?

Also, what kind of culers do you use?
It's lack of heat. In order to get your hair completely smooth, your hair may need a hooded dryer. That may be why it's coming out straighter when you go to the salon.
Thanks y'all for responding.

soslychic - yes, i do let it dry completely

Purty, i'm thinking of changing my products. I got them a while ago when i didnt know much. The only other people who rollerset my hair are stylists and i dont know what they use. I also use the plastic / magnetic ones.

Also BTW, what products do u guys use between the washing and curling (with curlers) apart from these: shampoo, conditioner,leave in conditioner and some serum or HHB, and mango butter?
Angelica2u - Here is a thread from a few months ago where I was in your situation (with frizzy or unsuccessful rollersets) and learned how to do great rollersets using the ponytail method. It makes things easier, in my opinion, and airdries my hair straighter and smoother. As Soslychic said, you hair must be 100% dry when you remove those rollers. And you'll need some oil on your hair to seal in the moisture and leave-in before you rollerset.
