URGENT - HELP NEEDED (Natural Hair Trim at a Beauty School - This Friday)


Well-Known Member
I have a friend in cosmetology school and she needs 100 cuts to graduate. I told her that I'd let her "trim" my hair for credit. I'm just wondering how to prepare for this visit. I told her that I don't like heat on my hair (even though I just bought a maxiglide) and I don't want a cut just a trim. I have a meeting on Friday morning so I don't know how to do my pre-poo, poo, DC before going without adding extra product and figure out how to style my hair. Should I keep condish in and cover with a wig?

I'm sure she will want to blow dry it before trimming so I don't want to have stuff on my hair that she will wash out or that will cause a problem - that's why I don't want to go in there with airdried hair. Also what temperature should I encourage her to use if she needs to blow dry? I don't want her to flat iron my hair. I have not successfully blow dried or flat ironed my hair so I don't know how much heat it will tolerate. My last trim was in April and my ends are raggedy - even without adding heat to my natural hair so I could stand a trim.

I know, I know I have lots of issues but I want to help her out but not be a pain in the neck and not incur heat damage:spinning:. I want to go prepared cuz I'm not sure what products they use there and I want to give explicit instructions so we won't lose our friendship over this:nono:. HELP please!
Okay I am going to give you the big sister answer. With all of these concerns and she being new to doing hair do you really really really want to put your hair in jeopardy to help your friend out?

Can you convince someone else to go in your place that may already have a relaxer or at the very least have no problem with getting their hair heat dried?

I know helping a friend is a good thing and I would say yes help, BUT in this situation you may be courting disaster.

Even the best professionals have a difficult time dealing with blow drying and not causing heat damage and then just triming natural hair. I speak from experience on this one.

I am going to suggest that maybe having her cut your hair FOR NOW is not the best suggestion.
My hair is blow dryer on a lower setting, using a paddle brush to help stretch it. I never let ppl use a super hot blow dryer on me. My current stylist uses a nice setting, never had to mention it to her. I always leave with a big blow-out, no additional heat is used after the blow dryer.

Is there a reason you don't want her to wash her your? If you don't, then go in with conditioner on and a scarf covering it. Let her rinse the conditioner out when you get there. Also bring your own leave in products if you're worried.

Make her show you what she's going to cut B4 she actually cuts it. Watch her in the mirror and make sure you only get a trim. She should be parting in nice even rows, in neat sections, for your trim. I have had one stylist free-hand it, but that doesn't always come out so well. He blew it out and then just trimmed the edges until I had a nice shape.

ETA: If you're really worried and still wanna help her out, blow dry your hair yourself.
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Is she familiar with natural hair? Or will there be a teacher near that is? I say that because I'm a beauty school student myself and they don't always prepare for naturals. They like to trim on freshly washed wet hair and that doesn't work for natural hair. I work in a natural hair salon and we trim on blown out hair. But most likely she's going to wash your hair first. She might end up having to give you a blowout if they can't rollerset you. If you trust that she can trim your hair wet and only trim a little fine. But it's easier to see how much hair she's cutting if its blownout.
Op can you wash your own hair and baggy it and then let her lightly blow dry it for the trim? Then bring your own heat protestants and leaveins. It should be damp when you remove the baggy.
Thanks everyone for responding. First let me say that I am rescheduling my appointment so that I have more time to think this through.

Okay I am going to give you the big sister answer. With all of these concerns and she being new to doing hair do you really really really want to put your hair in jeopardy to help your friend out?

Can you convince someone else to go in your place that may already have a relaxer or at the very least have no problem with getting their hair heat dried?

I know helping a friend is a good thing and I would say yes help, BUT in this situation you may be courting disaster.

Even the best professionals have a difficult time dealing with blow drying and not causing heat damage and then just triming natural hair. I speak from experience on this one.

I am going to suggest that maybe having her cut your hair FOR NOW is not the best suggestion.
That was so sweet! You're probably right but I somehow feel obligated because I keep telling her that I'm going to let her style my hair but haven't gotten around to it yet, one reason is because she's expensive another is because when I pay I want it to count for something not just me paying someone to style my hair. I want it to be for a special occasion or something like that.

My hair is blow dryer on a lower setting, using a paddle brush to help stretch it. I never let ppl use a super hot blow dryer on me. My current stylist uses a nice setting, never had to mention it to her. I always leave with a big blow-out, no additional heat is used after the blow dryer.

Is there a reason you don't want her to wash her your? If you don't, then go in with conditioner on and a scarf covering it. Let her rinse the conditioner out when you get there. Also bring your own leave in products if you're worried.

Make her show you what she's going to cut B4 she actually cuts it. Watch her in the mirror and make sure you only get a trim. She should be parting in nice even rows, in neat sections, for your trim. I have had one stylist free-hand it, but that doesn't always come out so well. He blew it out and then just trimmed the edges until I had a nice shape.

ETA: If you're really worried and still wanna help her out, blow dry your hair yourself.
The only reason I don't want her to wash my hair is cuz I don't know what products they are using. I went there (beauty school) for a pedicure and they had maybe 7 nail polishes to choose from - I didn't like either one and the student didn't do a good job. I thought about going with the condish but I didnt' want to wear a scarf to my meeting in the morning:blush:.
Making her show me what she will cut will prolong the time but I'd rather have her do that - great idea. I don't think that blowdrying my own hair is a great idea - I don't know how just yet. The last time I did it I was in so much pain afterwards trying to comb thru it. I tried using the tension method with low heat - looked and felt a mess:ohwell:.

I only let beauticians cut my hair when it's straightened, but before it has been styled...I wouldn't let someone cut my hair that I didn't have a level of confidence in friend or not.
I hear you. The truth is I don't trust anyone to cut/trim my natural hair, everyone will want to straighten it first and I would prefer not to use heat if possible. I am so afraid of heat damage. Having said that, my Maxiglide came in the mail last night (YAY):yep: and I want to try it out but I'll control the heat. Perhaps I can try flat ironing my hair this weekend to work out the kinks (no pun intended:lachen:) Once I figure out what I'm doing I can go with it straightened and she can trim it. I just don't want to put that much heat on my hair while I'm figuring it out.:spinning:

Why can't she just trim your hair in its natural state or have her rollerset and trim?
WOW - wonderful idea:grin:! I did one braid n' curl and you can't tell me nothing. Now I want to do a full rollerset but I can suggest that she rollerset and trim. YAY Kusare!

Is she familiar with natural hair? Or will there be a teacher near that is? I say that because I'm a beauty school student myself and they don't always prepare for naturals. They like to trim on freshly washed wet hair and that doesn't work for natural hair. I work in a natural hair salon and we trim on blown out hair. But most likely she's going to wash your hair first. She might end up having to give you a blowout if they can't rollerset you. If you trust that she can trim your hair wet and only trim a little fine. But it's easier to see how much hair she's cutting if its blownout.
A lot of people say that they do natural hair but most times they just twist, braid or rip through it - ouch:perplexed. I want to find a stylist who specializes in caring for natural hair not just styling it. I'm not saying that's the case with her. She is natural and did work at a natural salon. She does beautiful designs with locs, twists etc. Always wants to do my hair but she is kinda pricey. There would definitely be a teacher around but I don't know or trust them especiallly when they are not natural. Sometimes I wonder if I have become a "know it all" :look: who is really still tryna figure things out. I expect my stylist to use the same kinds or better practices than I do and I just don't hear anybody speaking the same language that we do on LHCF.

Op can you wash your own hair and baggy it and then let her lightly blow dry it for the trim? Then bring your own heat protestants and leaveins. It should be damp when you remove the baggy.
I could do that but I am still afraid of the heat that will be used to dry my hair not to mention the fact that I am tenderheaded:ohwell:. I don't want anyone ripping thru my coils as some have in the past (okay only twice). That's probably why I don't get a trim very often - aside from the cost. And to be honest this "newbie know it all" is not even sure what heat protectants would work for her. I have MegaSilk's protector of some kind and I have Sabino Moisture Block and I have some type of natural serum but not sure which to use or when or how much :drunk:. I think the heat protectant before blowdrying, the serum before flatironing.