URGENT!! hair glue situation!!


New Member
I knew that my beautician was trifin' but I have no choice b/c I live in a small town where there's only 3 beauticians and they're all triflin. Well, on September 15th I went to get a perm and some hair put in. After I got the hair glued in, about 2 hours later my head starting hurting so bad!!!!!! I kept thinking the pain would go away b/c I thought she just put it in too tight and that it would loosen up. I wanted to look good for school and keep the hair in. After 7 days straight of severe pain, I had to have the hair taken out. Luckily, my Aunt recommended me a new beautician, Pam, that just started in our town that's not triflin and she's very professional.:) It took her over 2 hours to pry the hair out of my head. I also had piles of glue on my scalp and it took forever to get that off. Pam figured the severe pain was b/c my other beautician had put the hair on way too tight, or b/c of all the glue on my scalp. I've suffered such severe pain from all of this that I had to go to the doctor--he gave me some migraine medication but it didn't phase my head pain b/c a typical migraine is not what I'm having. It's been over a month, and my head is still in severe pain and the headache never goes away. Pam said that I might have had an allergic reaction to the glue, and that would take about 3 months to heal fully internally. I left some stuff out b/c I tried to make this as short as possible. My questions are: Has anyone heard of a case like this? What are some possible reasons for pain? What are symptoms of an allergic reaction? Can glue on the scalp cause permanent damage? How should I get this treated? What should I tell tell the doc? I have a lot of more questions, but to wrap this up, please tell me your experience, opinions, and advice. Thank you so much. I need help!!
I would try to find a black dermatologist that may be more familiar with black hair care practices and would be able to better diagnose. I have never heard of this, but clearly this is serious. If it damages your irreparably then it could cause permanent damage. But lets hope this is not the case here. Is all the glue gone now ?
WOW!! i'm really sorry to hear about this problem! i've never heard of anything like it. it does sound like an allergic reaction, but if all the glue is gone, i would think the pain would have subsided by now. how are you wearing your hair now? when Pam removed the hair and glue, did the skin on your scalp break?

i would go back to that doctor and tell him the pain is still there. if he does nothing, get a second opinion. i also agree that finding a black dermatologist is a great idea!!
I am so sorry to hear this. And I agree it sounds like an allergic reactions. I know I read somewhere getting extensions can lead to headaches due to the weight of the extensions or allergic reaction to the glue. And it's no wonder when you consider the damage inhaling glue as a drug can do to the brain. Applying it directly to porous skin so close to the brain does give one the shivers. Perhaps if you found out the exact glue used and they analyzed it they'd be able to zoom in on what poisoning your body underwent, and give you an antidote for that particular compound.

I know this may sound strange but have you ever had reflexology? That's where a qualifed massage therapist gives your feet or hands (I prefer feet) a massage focussing on different zones that correspond to parts of your body. It's believed to release toxins from the parts of your body related to the areas massaged. I've had it done and it's wonderful and very interesting how the therapist finds out about your health from just your feet. Usually s/he will concentrate on the areas that are related to the areas that need the most attention. When I had it done, I was so drained by the time it was completed that I slept 18 hours straight when I got home.
But it was heavenly!
I was supposed to drink lots of water afterwards to help flush my body and I did feel a whole lot better overall. It may take a few sessions to clear the toxins from you body, but I'd also do a detox program as well to help out. Sometimes just a complete cleansing could cure ailments we never thought had anything to do with toxins. Even just living in an environment full of pollutants can make a small problem worse. Incidentally, Feverfew is a herbal supplement supposed to help with headaches and it hasn't got side effects, so maybe you could try it. (I just read you can't take it during pregnancy, though, so keep that in mind.) Gingko Biloba can help cerebral circulation so if you do a detox/cleansing program, I'd take it too to help circulate your cleaner blood to your head. And while you recover, perhaps this is a good time to focus on eating wholesome foods. Avoid dairy, processed foods, sugar and instead have soy or whey or spirulina, organic foods as you'd get them in the garden (ie fresh veggies as opposed to canned in sugar), fruits when you get a sweet tooth...etc
Garlic is a great immunity booster and helps detoxify the blood so if you can get supplements or cook more with it, that'd be great. (For supplements, I HIGHLY recommend Garlinase 4000. Hardly any smell but very potent and you only need one-a-day.)

All the best, dear. Whoever came up with the idea of gluing hair needs to be locked up and prevented from ever coming up with any more wild ideas.
The problem is, I don't live anywhere near a black dermatologist. I wish, though.:( I asked one doctor if internal damage was possible, and he said there's no way b/c infection couldn't possibly go to the brain. I'm still scared. Have you all ever heard of anyone having permanent damage done from glue? What are symptoms of an allergic reaction so maybe I can help better diagnose myself. thank you for your help.:):)
Allergies can manifest themselves in any way. And usually if you remove the allergen, symptoms disappear. I get headaches from eating caramel or MSG. Once they are out of my system, I am OK. Sometimes your body develops an allergy you never had due to your immunity being low. And that can be caused by a number of factors, our unhealthy polluted environment playing a big part. I used to get pollen allergies which I developed in my twenties but not anymore. I omitted foods that were making my body weak immunitywise and took supplements and I haven't had a sneeze or itchy eyes or runny nose in years. And I don't even take any meds in pollen season.

To be honest I think a detox will do you a world of good. I'm sure somewhere on the forum there's sth posted about a good one. You may have to be on a yucky drink for three days or so but it'll remove any impurities from your body that might be causing you harm, which would include anything from the remains of glue smell that might still be in your bloodstream. In fact, what your feeling may just be the remnants of your body healing from the discomfort. When I get home, I'll look up my "nutritional bible" for remedies for allergies and ways to boost your immunity. When our bodies go through a hard blow, they do sort of weaken as all our defenses are summoned to fight the "enemy". So your immune response could do with some pampering.

In the meantime, don't panic. Since the glue is gone, you'll be back to your old self. It just may take your body a while to forgive that "assault".
The same thing happened to me! Turned out I was allergic to some chemical they put in the weave rather than glue, though. I get headaches and my hair comes out in clumps if weave touches my scalp. Have you tried glue removers? One things that got my scalp back to normal was glover's mange mixed with sulfur. My mother had some lying around and my scalp healed within a couple of days.

Oh yeah, if you are having a bad headache, I would suggest going to a regular doc, too. It could be a coincidence that your head started hurting the same time and something else could be wrong.
Did you have any sores on your scalp from the relaxer (if it was a lye relaxer). If she was as bad as you say, she may have put your relaxer on poorly and ended up with sores PLUS had the glue seep into the sores, letting it enter your bloodstream directly which could be toxic. You need to get to someone who will look more indepth at what happened and treat your properly, and not a blanket headache treatment.
Good Luck!
You poor thing. We will keep you in our thoughts.

I hope you never go this route again.
thanks, I need prayer. Since it's been going on this long, I'm just guessing/assuming it's an allergic reaction. I knew putting glue on the scalp was wrong, but I never thought it could be this painful.
mermaid said:
Did you have any sores on your scalp from the relaxer (if it was a lye relaxer). If she was as bad as you say, she may have put your relaxer on poorly and ended up with sores PLUS had the glue seep into the sores, letting it enter your bloodstream directly which could be toxic. You need to get to someone who will look more indepth at what happened and treat your properly, and not a blanket headache treatment.
Good Luck!

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I agree with mermaid. Seek a second opinion. Also you didn't say if you had any sores...
I only had a couple of bumps filled with puss and blood. My beautician only found 2. Then I had some other mini bumps but not that many. What they came from I don't know. . .
anything in the scalp with puss and blood is not a good thing... if you can I'd really suggest going to see a black dermatologist even if that means you have to travel a little
Yes they do. I believe a lot of girls here have had to see them for scalp problems.