Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Today I am doing an all day deep condish underneath a winter cap today courtesy of Youtube's Haircrush. My question is, when i rinse out the condish do I use cool water if I plan to follow up with a clairifying shampoo and 3 min deep condish?
I definitely need to clarify and I am doing a second deep condish because I am transitioning and I need to have manageable new growth. Can this be done in this order deep condish, clarify, deep condish?
Clarifying would only defeat the purpose of doing the really long DC, because clarifying is supposed to remove all the oils and what not from your scalp and hair. And generally, three minutes of conditioning isn't going to be enough to restore full moisture to hair that has been clarified.
And you shouldn't have DCed on top of hair that is covered in buildup, because the good stuff probably won't be able to get in properly.

If it were me, I would have clarified first, let my hair dry to about 80%, applied the DC, and then left that on all day. But since that ship has sailed, I would just save the clarifying until next week.
Should I do a cleansing condish? I have to use some kind of cleansing agent on this hair. I don't know if there is buildup but I'm sick of the greasy feel to it. How shoud I proceed?
@Chaosbutterfly, I don't think the ship has sailed yet. Sounded like @ZLUVSNEWZEE was getting ready to do all this.

OP @lamaria211 and Chaosbutterfly gave you suggestions. Not sure why the bump. Is there something you didn't understand?

In short, a deep conditioning should be done on clean hair. Clean hair is hair that has been washed, which is what shampooing and clarifying are supposed to do. If you already have a greasy feeling, condition washing will just add on a new coating. IMO you need to clarify FIRST, and then DC as the others have told you.

Was there something you needed clarified (besides the hair--:grin: pun was an accident) hence the bump?
@Nonie...i wanted to know if I should clarify then DC again or if I can use a cleansing conditioner and do a minute DC and be okay

@ZLUVSNEWZEE, so did my post answer your question?

Originally Posted by Nonie
[...]In short, a deep conditioning should be done on clean hair. Clean hair is hair that has been washed, which is what shampooing and clarifying are supposed to do. If you already have a greasy feeling, condition washing will just add on a new coating. IMO you need to clarify FIRST, and then DC as the others have told you.[...]
As for "a minute DC"... unless you're using Aussie 3 Minute Deeee...p which claims to deep condition in 3 minutes--which is still more than a minute, I think you need to follow the directions of whatever you're using to DC. A minute is not enough to Deep Condition, IMO.
I guess my post is not clear. I guess I'm trying to determine if this DC was a complete waste and if there is a way to clarify without having to DC again for hours
I guess my post is not clear. I guess I'm trying to determine if this DC was a complete waste and if there is a way to clarify without having to DC again for hours

ZLUVSNEWZEE, clarifying does just that: clarifies by REMOVING oils, conditioning, grease...whatever is on your hair leaving it bare. If you clarify, you will undo whatever you did with the DCing. And if you clarify, you leave your hair thirstier for conditioning than if you just shampooed. So unless you didn't wash it before you did all this, I don't think you need to do anything now. As Chaosbutterfly suggested: wait to do it right the next time. Plus when you rinse, it may not be greasy and you may realize you were fussing for nothing.

BTW why do you feel the need to use cold water to rinse? I never do. I always use warm for every step of the wash including the final one. And even when I dunk my head in ACV solution, it's warm and my hair is fine. And if you're feeling that icky about greasy hair, all the more reason to rinse with warm water.
To answer your questions: I would use warm water to rinse out the conditioner that has been in all day.
I personally would leave the second conditioner in at least a little longer after a clarifying poo, but it may not be that big of a deal.
Thanks gals...I just always read about rinsing with child water to close the cuticle or something. I think I'm going to shampoo and DC again because I only w & c once a week. Ughhhhh...great way to spend a Friday night
Ah, I see -- usually that's for the FINAL rinse (so after you do your second deep conditioning you would rinse with cool water).
For future reference, if you are going to send that much time DCing, clarify first, then DC. Otherwise, (1) all the good stuff in the DC does not get into the hair the way it should, and (2) you wash away all the good stuff that manages to make it into the hair shaft anyway.

Good Luck
Thanks gals...I just always read about rinsing with child water to close the cuticle or something. I think I'm going to shampoo and DC again because I only w & c once a week. Ughhhhh...great way to spend a Friday night

ZLUVSNEWZEE, that's a myth: cold water does not close cuticles. An acidic solution is what closes cuticles. Cold water probably just leaves some product on hair and for some of us, makes our hair hard. I always use warm water but end my wash with an ACV rinse in warm water to ensure that my strands are smooth and easy to slide past each other when I finger comb. Works like a charm.

I'm sorry you had to do a do-over. I honestly think you could've just waited till next time--but better to have a peace of mind. We all learn through mistakes. :kiss: