Uploading PIC


New Member
Hello, I'm new here and wanted to upload a picture to my profile but it won't allow me to do so. I attempted to and twice it told me that the process failed and the last time it just took so long I stopped trying. If anyone knows why please let me know!! Thanks in Advance.:cry:
In my avatar, I haven't graduated to siggy action yet I think I'm still to new.LOL
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you need to first resize your photo to the requirements....100 X 100 pixels....

if you do not do this you will never be able to upload it....i use microsoft office picture manager.....

then save it and upload from here i the forum....

if you are still having problems u can always pm me....hth

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i find using pikistrips is easier for siggy's.......

go to the website....www.pikistrips.com

follow their insructions.....pretty simple

then copy the link given at the end.....(the one for forums)

on the quick links option (the "button" is just under where your username shows at the top of the page.....other options are user cp, FAQ, rules, ispy etc).....choose edit signature......

then paste the link in the field that allows you to type stuff on your siggy........

you should always preview signature to see if how it looks.....

you can only have 5 lines of writing.
