Updates to My Photo Album from My Wash and Set Yesterday!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday this was my process/routine for 2-11-06. I'm 17 weeks post relaxer.

Pre -poo treatment with oils (my first time ever doing this) - I used coconut, grapeseed, jojoba, sweet almond and evoo oils.

Shampooed with Keracare

Deep conditioned with heavenly blends (custom blend deep conditioner made especially for me).

Leave in - Mixed a little distilled water with, a couple dollops of cantu shea butter leave in, a pump of keracare wrap foam, a small dollop of keracare humecto and a dollop of elucence mb conditioner. Sprayed the mixture on and rollerset with orange rollers and Voila! Result: Soft and bouncy curls!

Hint: I'm hoping someone could tell me what my hair type is by looking at my pictures. Although, my pictures may not be very clear.
iv never seen you album before... but im glad i had a look its very interesting i like the way you've added close-ups!
im not sure what hair type you are sorry.
Thanks hon!!

It's hard to tell from the pics what my hair type is. I'll take some more later in the week.
DSylla said:
Your hair looks good and Balisi did a good job. :)

Thanks Dsylla!

Balisi is wonderful, she did my rollerset last month and my hair was soft! I did the one yesterday myself, but is no comparison to what Balisi can do. :)