Updates on my album if anyone wants to see!

I like your hair. Is that a roller set our pin curl style?

How is the Phytospecific moist balm and the Jason mend ends?

I like the house too.
Nice hair, my ends are like that too no matter how much I moisturize them. Also nice house!
lkg4healthyhair said:
I like your hair. Is that a roller set our pin curl style?

How is the Phytospecific moist balm and the Jason mend ends?

I like the house too.

Thanks to you all! About my house and hair.

The Phyto balm works really well for me, keeps it soft and gives a nice sheen/shine. The mend ends I use more as a protectant when I wear my hair straight. It is now at the length that gets rubbed a lot by my clothes. Also, that is a rollerset that I fooled around with too much.
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Thanks for sharing....
I really enjoyed your album...
your hair is growing good and looks healthy....:)
It looks like you're doing a great job with your hair. I love decorating, it was neat looking at your pics and style, b/c it's very different from my own, but it looks peaceful.