updates growth ponies flatiron puff etc


http://public.fotki.com/msportugal/im_texturized/page2.html starting w/ pic 24
i have had a few things going on hair wise this month. so i decided to upload for ya
on 3-24-06 i aphogee'd dpr11'd and slept with it in a cap then on 3-25-06 I
rinsed porisity control'd air dryed flatironed and trimmed my hair was reverting
in the straight pics but you get the idea. I just wanna know who took a bite out
of the middle of my hair cause it is shorter/thinner than the rest

enjoy and yes do leave comments but only if you sign in (thats for the hater in the midst LOL)

I love that new pic in your siggy and your pochahontas ponytails!:D Thanks for updating your album, I thoroughly enjoy all of your documentation and commentary!:) You're my inspiration and I'm even more thrilled to be your cousin!

Continued progress on your hair growing journey!
Your hair is coming along nicely hair buddy and where have you been???

NOW stay away from the scissors..

Great growth!!!
Your hair is coming along nicely hair buddy and where have you been???

NOW stay away from the scissors..

Great growth!!!
thanks nubian you always say the bestest things

oglorious i've been around i know i have been slipping on my hair buddy duties i'll have to step my game up in the 06 and yes i will be dodging the scissors