Updated Photo Album


Well-Known Member
Hey all, just wanted to let you ladies know that I updated my photo album (Cincysweetie2005 album). I got my hair done yesterday for my graduation today. They are moreso color shots than length, as I finally have my hair one color that I LIKE! Yeaaa! :grin: Stay tuned for a length shot!

pw: tresses
Beutiful hair and color! It looks so full..

Is this your natural color? If not what color is it?
lkg4healthyhair said:
Beutiful hair and color! It looks so full..

Is this your natural color? If not what color is it?
Thank you! If you look on the first picture where I'm leaning forward and I've pulled my hair up on top of my head, the top of my head is my natural color. It's a sandy brown color, hard to match without lightening the hair. I got a dye job that had grown out a ways, and my roots were the sandy brown color and my ends this reddish color (which you can somewhat see in my 1st album). She applied a brown color over the red and left my roots alone so I can finally get back to my natural color.
Beautiful curls and color!

ETA: I just looked in your other album and your braidout is beautiful!
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baglady215 said:
Beautiful curls and color!

ETA: I just looked in your other album and your braidout is beautiful!
Thanks again for all the compliments!

The braidout I can't take credit for, my friend did it for me. BUT, I have found another way to do braidouts that work really well for me. I will put pics up next time I do it.
sweetpeadst said:
Beautiful I like the curls Cincy! Do you know what color she used b/c this looks like what I am trying to achieve!!!!!!

Cincy your hair is gorgeous. I would like to know what color was used on your hair also. This is the color I'm trying to get also.