Updated my fotki pictures


Well-Known Member
It's been quite a while since I have updated as I have had some major ups and downs the last couple of years. I finally abandoned "the professionals" and I have been doing my own hair the last year and finally things are looking up a bit. i certainly don't have as much growth as I would like but I am just trying to get my hair healthly and as soon as I get a couple more inches, I will trim off my ragged ends. I don't have much growth but considering where I came from, I'll take what I've got. 18 months ago my hairs was severly broken off on the right back and right side from a bad relaxer (given by a professional) so I am slowly nursing it back to good health. One day I hope to catch up with some of the LHCF sisters here with all those gorgeous heads of hair!

The password is hair.
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OMG! You're hair is so full and pretty. It's looking beautiful. Please keep us updated.
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Thank you. Oh, how I wish it was thick and heavy textured. Actually my hair is really fine textured but dense so it appears to be thick. Also it's cottony soft and quickly responses to the elements. That's why I decided not to continue on my natural journey. My hair just frizzes too easily and texlaxed gives me a little more versatility. Thank u for your comment. Sometimes, I get a little discouraged on this journey.
That is some great progress. Can't wait to see your hair pics in a year from now. It looks so thick and healthy. I can tell even without seeing the before pics that YOUR hair care seems to be working better than any professionals. Keep it up.
Thanks so much for the responses ladies. OMG, Londondiva, u are one of my hair idols! You look so pretty with your braids. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I wish I had a picture of the damaged hair. I did have one but it was so painful to look at, I trashed it. Wish I had kept it so you guys could see how far I have come.
your hair looks great. my sister and i don't bother with "professionals" anymore either, so i know what you mean. Don't be discourage. i think your hair is soooo pretty and thick. keep up the good work. anytime u get discourage just come to us. that's what were her for:)
Your hair looks great Deborah, It does look really thick, I feel you on the fine hair. Mine is that way too. There are a lot of strands and that makes it look really thick.

Keep up the good work, it is paying off!

You need not worry about "catching up" to anyone:kiss: Your hair is AMAZING right now:D Your protective style is gorgeous and looks very romantic:up:

May I ask what is your ultimate goal?
:eek: Your hair is gorgeous!!!! It's full and it looks so soft...I just wanted to put my hand through the screen and feel it. You are so pretty too!!!

OMG I love your hair it is sooo thick and pretty. Keep growing!!!! Yep I'm on the bandwagon of doing my own hair for about 10 months now and I'm loving it!!!