Updated my Fotki - I did me some twists :)


New Member
Hey peeps, justs quickly letting you know that i've updated my Fotki, i don't normally publicise this but i did my first bunch of twists.

Im so proud because i really want to make an effort of styling my hair myself, and now i can say i've done twists myself.

I've unlocked part of my album, but now im a lil worried after reading Tracee's post. So quick hurry up lol.
Hi Anancy :grin:

Beautiful Pics.....I really liked your sew-in...I want one myself and Im trying to find someone to do it. Thanks for the love on my profile as well.
I wasn't able to see your pics because I wasn't quick enough to check your fotki. I don't blame you for locking it - I locked mine too. Anyway, I'm sure your twists turned out beautiful:yep:.
^^^^Traycee, IMO it can be done on relaxed hair, but it depends on what you use on it, to twist it with. I have a friend who's hair is relaxed and did her some twists but hers were cornrowed first then some no breakage rubberbands put on then I twisted (3-strand twists) her hair from that point on. She specifically asked that Fantasia IC gel be used on her hair and then twisted up. I have to admit, I didn't think it would work. But using that gel it works, and it's held up for a week so far, and she's still rocking them.
I wasn't able to see your pics because I wasn't quick enough to check your fotki. I don't blame you for locking it - I locked mine too. Anyway, I'm sure your twists turned out beautiful:yep:.

LOL yea i locked it up quick, but my password is in my profile.

Thanks everyone for the comments, my twists are still holding up. Stragely enough a colleague in another office thought i had extentions in (she's slightly on the loopy side), nothing wrong with that, just i was a little perplexed that she would think that considering she is black herself :perplexed i dont think they look anything near like extentions.

Anyway thanks everyone :)
LOL yea i locked it up quick, but my password is in my profile.

Thanks everyone for the comments, my twists are still holding up. Stragely enough a colleague in another office thought i had extentions in (she's slightly on the loopy side), nothing wrong with that, just i was a little perplexed that she would think that considering she is black herself :perplexed i dont think they look anything near like extentions.

Anyway thanks everyone :)

Oh thanks for letting me know:Rose:. Your twists look great and your hair looks so healthy and thick:cloud9:!
Hey peeps, justs quickly letting you know that i've updated my Fotki, i don't normally publicise this but i did my first bunch of twists.

Im so proud because i really want to make an effort of styling my hair myself, and now i can say i've done twists myself.

I've unlocked part of my album, but now im a lil worried after reading Tracee's post. So quick hurry up lol.

Congrat on your first set of twist :up:
Nice twists, I also like your flat-twists, my hair looks crazy in twists, but my hair loves flat-twists and I do a flat twist-out by letting it dry overnight and I love the look. Good job!
Nice twists, I also like your flat-twists, my hair looks crazy in twists, but my hair loves flat-twists and I do a flat twist-out by letting it dry overnight and I love the look. Good job!

I never thought i would be able to do flat-twists they just looked too complicated. It's definately empowering knowing i can now do some sort of hairstyle without the help of a stylist. If there is anyone who is just like me, just give it a go, it's so worth whil in the long run.

By the way honeycomb your hair is gorgeous, have you got any pics of your flat twist-out?

Thanks for all the compliments everyone, it's very encouraging.