Updated! I've Added Some Pics!


New Member
If anyone would like to see I have updated my pics and have added a few extra some as of Today and I added one where you can get an idea of my crown & how it was Bald!

Thanks Ladies!
Thank You GoldenBreeze, I knew I had a Pic somewhere, but if I could find the one with it Bald, your scalp would get sore just looking at it LOL!!!
Amazing progress...NP....that was a complete transformation...and yes...pics never lie:)
Now u gotta tell me what u did to ur crown to make it catch up with the rest of ur hair...cos i have the exact same problem in my center nape
scarcity21 said:
Amazing progress...NP....that was a complete transformation...and yes...pics never lie:)
Now u gotta tell me what u did to ur crown to make it catch up with the rest of ur hair...cos i have the exact same problem in my center nape

I surely will "Daughter":) Now from Day one after I done my BC and seen my crown, I was just sad, I was like my hair is gonna be uneven and looking crazy, But I started Nuturing my crown by massaging it Daily & hanging my head off the Bed for like 5 minutes Daily because I knew I could get that Blood Flowing quicker that way, I also stopped using all Commercial Shampoos & started using Shampoo Bars the ones that Tea Tree Oil, Rosemary, Peppermint in the Ingredients, I done CW's Daily and I would massage my crown, Once a week I would do a Fresh Herbal Hair Rinse Made from Rosemary,Horsetail,Nettle,Sage & Lavender and I used Distilled Water, in Addition to that I made an Herbal oil from the same herbs but I let them sit in a Base of Olive oil for 2 weeks to marinate, then I would massage the oil in my crown about 3 times a week because I still needed it to get air.

I didn't use any growth enhancements on my crown at all, I just used what I used and left it alone. No styling to it at all, I also had to do mini trims, My Husband would take his clippers and lightly shave off the Top hair and as my crown grew it all came into place. I also take and I still take the Following Vitamins" B-Complex w/Vitamin C, B-12,Vitamin E,Iron & Flaxseed Fish Oil Capsules! I take One of each with Breakfast and I still do and it has helped me out alot! I never took Biotin or MSM!:)

Your progress is great. You gave me a spirit lift because I was feeling down because I have not had any real measurable progress in my length. Again, your hair looks great.
Congrats on your magnificent progress :). No more bald spot! Your hair is looking healthy and very thick. You grow gurl!
Congratulations!!!! Your hair looks so thick and beautiful. I am so happy for you girl! I've learned to space out my pics too because if I don't I find I get discouraged too. Can't wait for the next update:).
Thank You both! Hopeful that is the Only way I can do it LOL!! So these will be my Last Photos until close to December or if I do a Style in the next 3 Months LOL!!! I don't want to get to Picture Happy LOL!!