Updated Fotki


Well-Known Member
Heh ladies!!

I was gone most summer bc I was studying for my license. But I recently updated my fotki with 2 progress pics taken June 28. I also put my products up.

My next touch up is August 28, so there will be contiued updates for August.
DangerouslyShy said:
I agree I cant wait until youtr next touch up either.!! take pictures!! What are you studying for?

thanks for the encouragement ladies.

DS, I was studying for the NY bar exam. I graduated law school this past May.
bajanplums1 said:
thanks for the encouragement ladies.

DS, I was studying for the NY bar exam. I graduated law school this past May.

Congrats.........what a huge accomplishment!!!! :)

oh, and your hair is growin like speedy Gonzolez.
Great growth process and congratulations on your graduation from law school. I am starting law school too in the Spring of 2006. I am not going to practice it I am just studying it. I am going for my EJD (Executive Juris Doctorate).


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