
New Member
Hi ladies

I updated my fotki account. In the winter, I had a major setback and suffered severe breakage. I think it was to too many blow outs, and not sleeping with a scarf consistently. Anyway, my left side was severely damaged and uneven, so I went to teh hairdresser to get it evened up.

im still trying to reach my waist lenght goal by my wedding in august. i think i can do it. at least im off to a good start....trimmed, even hair
You have BEAUTIFUL hair girl!
Keep it up and you'll be waistlength for your wedding, IMO.:woot:
I WANT YOUR HAIR. :clubu: :lachen:.
Your hair looks beautiful.
There is no doubt you will make your goal by your wedding. You are a half-hair away now. :grin:
Trim came out great !!!!!

I have dreams of the day my hair will be as long , thick, and healthy as yours...Beautiful !!!!!!
Your hair is beautiful! It was pretty before the trim IMHO. It wasn't damaged looking, just a little uneven.

Either way great job!

I would love to see a posting of your regimen and your products too.
Your hair is pretty, lady. Even when it was damaged on one side it looked good to me. Just curious, what are some styles you're thinking about for the wedding?
One of my favourite fotki's to look at is yours (Clenish)...your hair is an inspiration for me :yep: It looks like a succesful trim...I think you'll be at WL sooner than you think...keep up the good work :Rose:
Thanks for the comments ladies. You ladies really know how to make a girl feel good. I was feeling down today cuz i gained so much, but after your comments, i felt great!!!

Anyway, to respond to some questions, I am going to update my regime. Its pretty simple but here goes:

Hairstyles: I wear a bun every single day, and have done so since i started noticing breakage in November. I take teh bun down twice a week to co-wash.

Regular Wash: I wash my hair with shampoo (CON dry brittle hair) every two weeks. I never comb my hair in teh shower...only when partially dry. Once a little dry, i put cantu leave in creme in my hair, and put a whole lot of kemi oyl on my hair..especially my ends. kemi oyl has owrks wonders. it seems to straighten my hairline and kitchen when i apply wet and wear a scarf.

Co-wash: I co-wash twice a week with CON conditioner. No manipulation at all. I put teh conditioner on (no combing), take a shower, and when im done, i rinse it out. THen I put my hair in a bun with a scrunchie. put a scarf on, and i dont take the scrunchie out until next co-wash. now, i sleep with a scarf EVERY night.

Deep condition: I use Dark adn Lovely Ultra CHolestrerol mixed with Silicon Mass. Stay under dryer for 20 minutes, then leave plastic cap on all night with deep cond. in hair. i remove the conditioner the following moring. i deep con. every 2weeks.

Relaxer: I use Creme of Nature Reg.

Everuday products: Kemi Oyl and Cantu leave in creme Every day on the part of my hair thats exposed (flyaways and stuff). Becasue my hair is long, my hair stays damp in the bun for at least 2 days..so my hair is always moisturized.

This low manip. regime has caused me to retain lenght. I only go to the salon for relaxers. I stopped going for weekly maintenance because I was losing too much during the detangle process when they rollerset my hair. Just wasnt worth it. so now, my hair is getting adn longer because my hair is not being ripped out of my head. i am very gentle. i must say though because i rarely comb my hair (only on regular shampoo days), i get tons of shedding because the hair hasnt left my scalp. but everytime i do, i always notice some lenght retention. that gets me excited.

Vitamins: none right now.

I think i covered everything. let me know if u guys have more questions
Even with the trim your hair is still uber long! :yep:

I wouldnt worry to much about reaching your goal you are well on the way! :yep: