UPDATED FOTKI!!! 13 months progress :)


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I know I haven't updated in so long, I have been so busy with school and life period!! Well here it is, I just got a relaxer and trim on 4/18/08 and I am very happy with the results and my progress :grin: so check out my fotki! Hope you ladies enjoy!
Hello Ladies,

I know I haven't updated in so long, I have been so busy with school and life period!! Well here it is, I just got a relaxer and trim on 4/18/08 and I am very happy with the results and my progress :grin: so check out my fotki! Hope you ladies enjoy!

Great progress, very inspirationnal.
Your hair is so healthy! :yep:
Great progress. Your low heat and low manipulation regimen combined with consistent use of quality products seem to be the key.
Wow!! it looks super healthy, thick and beautiful! Wonderful progress!:wow::wow::wow::wow:
ohh i remember stalking your fotki before....your hair looks:love4:.....your doing great on ur progress and your hair grows sooo fast!
Thanks so much ladies:grin: I really appreciate the compliments they are very inspirational...and to the ladies that had questions about air-drying and what relaxer I use; I do not air dry I think it makes my hair shed and break more and I go to the salon every 10-12 weeks and my stylist uses Affirm Sensitive Scalp Relaxer.
Your hair is beautiful! I can't wait to get to your length. It's taking forever but, its coming.