Updated Album- Pincurls and Twist-outs


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to let you know that I updated my album to include some of the different styles that I wear on a daily basis. My album is in my signature and the password is in my profile.

Album Name: Different Styles
Very nice Pincurls...Nice....lol...

That devil product certainly agrees with your hair...;)
Your hair looks great and you're very pretty! Love your smile. Anyway, I about **** myself when I saw all your products...WOW! You weren't lying when you called it the motherload!
Very pretty pin curls. Mine always look 'jacked up'! I'm going to keep trying until i get it right. My curls always looked smooshed and like I had curls in my head that I just fell asleep on so there are some sharp edges. Any tips or tricks?
Cincysweetie said:
Your hair looks great and you're very pretty! Love your smile. Anyway, I about **** myself when I saw all your products...WOW! You weren't lying when you called it the motherload!

Thanks Cincysweetie!!!:grin:
RabiaElaine said:
Very pretty pin curls. Mine always look 'jacked up'! I'm going to keep trying until i get it right. My curls always looked smooshed and like I had curls in my head that I just fell asleep on so there are some sharp edges. Any tips or tricks?

I would say use a good moisturizer and make sure that you start from the tip of you hair and roll up with your two fingers :)
Very pretty hair!
brownstallion said:
Nice hair!!!!

When you did your twist out how many rolls of twist did you make?

I got my twist out done this past weekend. I think she did like 7 rows.
This is the first time I've seen your album. Very pretty! :yep: Those pincurls came out great, as did the dry set you did with the Carusos. I'm gonna have to get me some of those.
luvSLave said:
This is the first time I've seen your album. Very pretty! :yep: Those pincurls came out great, as did the dry set you did with the Carusos. I'm gonna have to get me some of those.

Thank you!! You should get those Caruso Rollers. I looove them :D
wow! your hair looks all nice and shiny. i especially liked how your hair looks after releasing the pincurls... how many pincurls did you put all over your head?
Thanks everyone :)

@Poohbear- I think that I did about 10 pincurls to achieve that look.

@nicki6- Thank you my sister :Rose:
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