

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say hi to everyone and give a quick hair update. I pop in everyonce in a while, but have just been kinda lurking. We have so many new members, this place is helping alot of people.

Well I got my hair braided on Jan 20th using the Toyokalon wet n wavy hair. IMO save your money on this kind of hair. I like their yaky straight one and the one with the slight wave better. This one doesn't wave up when wet. Its a nice light hair so my head doesn't feel heavy. I ended up dipping it like I do to the normal Kanekalon hair for it to curl.

I do have some growth going on. I was suppose to get a touch last weekend but could not because of the snow, so I am going this week. My routine has been very simple. Wash and condition once a week with diluted Pantene Sleek and Smooth line. Spray with S-Curl every night and use a combo of macadamia nut, peppermint and vitamin e oils on my scalp every other day. I have no build up nor any problems with itching.

I plan on keeping these a while longer (with my touch ups) and I'd like to try twists when these come out. I am trying NOT to get a relaxer unt July (my next competition)
Thanks for the update Carrie. Your simple routine seems to be working well for you. How is it going with the Nioxin NX3? --kc
Hi Carrie /images/graemlins/wave.gif Nice to "see" you here. Your regime sounds very simple, which makes it easy to be consistent. I'm loving the smell of peppermint oil. It's awesome!! If u get a chance, drop in and let us know how the touch-up goes. Good luck on your competition. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Carrie /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I love the simplicity of your routine as well /images/graemlins/smile.gif Hey that peppermint oil is real nice /images/graemlins/smile.gif As I've already said to you, I know you have a very busy schedule but it is good to see you drop by every now and again /images/graemlins/grin.gif btw, thanks for the great review of Joyce Vedral's books! I need to start an exercise regimen and her program really looks like It'll really get the job done with me!

Hey Carrie, nice to hear from you again. Sounds like you got a good routine going on. do you feel that the extra conditioning (esp with the S-curl) has counteracted the post-workout hair issues (sweat-salt) you were having?
hi, carrie!

i'm glad the braids and simple routine are working for you. keep us posted on your progress. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Carrie /images/graemlins/wave.gif

It's nice to here from you! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Thank you for the review on the Toyokalon hair. It sounds like what you are doing is really working for you and that's great! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I did read your comments recently on the massive amount of protein that you take. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Good luck in the competition!!

I saw your photos a while back when I was a lurker, you have great hair and it's good that it's growing!!
Hey Carrie! Your routine sounds like a winner...just like you will be. Keep us updated! You are our Representative!
Hey Girl,/images/graemlins/wave.gif

I'm glad your hair's doing good. Where did you get the macadamia nut oil?

Hey Carrie /images/graemlins/wave.gif Nice to see you on the board again

How is that problem spot going. Is it any better yet?
Kasey - I stopped the NX3 when I got the braids. It was just pure laziness on my part. I was forgetting to use it consistantly and figured I just try to save a little money.

Amethyst - Good luck with the book. Like I said I think she is very informative.

GiGi - Right now I amnot sweating as much because I am not doing any cardio. I sweat some when I lift, but not enough to warrant the daily washings. I wash once a week (Usually Sunday) and if it feels a little gross, I'll rinse it in the shower during the week.

Leigh - I got the oil from the supermarket. They had some "gourmet" oils and I remember somone mentioning the macadamia nut oil here. It was cheap so I said what the heck!

LondonDiva - The spot seems better. There is definitely new growth in that area. Hopefully the break from relaxers will do some good.

Everyone else - Thank you for the well wishes. I will keep you all posted on my hair and competitions! And I promise to try and be more active here.

Carrie /images/graemlins/grin.gif