Update: Why did god send me an Ugly Man?


New Member
First, I would like to say thank you for your prayers. I thought that I would give an update. I had to repent for my attitude toward God and this man. I realized that my pride was in the way and I was afraid of what others would think. I decided to give him a chance. We went out after church and had a great time. We are planning another outing this weekend. We both agreed to be friends and allow everything else to run its course.
Amen little angel. I am so happy for you. God always gives us a path to 'grow' and blossom in. This is simply one of yours.

I cannot help but admire the beauty of what you have shared; which shows the true beauty of what really lives inside of you. What a joy you are to your 'Father's' heart. ;)

I've learned something of value from you....thank you. ;) I too, need to let go of my pride in many areas.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
That is great!!!!

I agree, that IS great! Blessings to both of you. :)

And to Blackoutzangel05: Congrats!!! The big day is right around the corner. May both of your lives be enriched by each other's presence.