Update! wanna Thank you ladies


Well-Known Member
I wish I had pictures to post I really do but I still dont have that darn digi cam!!!

Anyway I wanted to tell you ladies and newbies if you are wondering...the progress does show in due time. I've been here day and night for the past 4 months and I have had 4 inches of new growth! I am still transitioning and my hair is about 2 inches away from being APL!!!! Already!!! well--I still haven't done the BC but I have dusted a lot! really the only thing that I have done with consistency is NO HEAT NO BRUSH and only detangle in the shower. And finally I decided im gonna get a roller set cause I got tired of the braid outs:( .

my friend just flat ironed my hair for me some time in april and It was looking cute...she wrapped it for me and I decided that my bf and I should go out on a date because for the past few weeks he saw me in dookie braids n stuff. :lachen:

Anyway...I got dressed, slapped some makeup on my face and everything---lookin rreaaal cute. And then I unwraped my hair and it was soooooo thin!!!!:eek: For the record, I've always had thick long hair. And now my hair was soooo thin you could look through it and see a scenary behind me (through my hair). This was do to the over processing that my wonderful hair dresser exposed me to...ok it wasn't all her fault. It was the Blow drying 1x a week and the tearing of my hair when I combed it and the lack of a satin scarf...no moisturizing...no sealing...constant brushing...tight pony tails till i was lookin chinese...ummm what else...oh yeah the lb of black hair gel i used nearly every day!!! (don't front like yall was never there)

I went out with shame--and now more determined to take care of my hair and yesterday---I decided to get that rollerset and when It came out I didnt even need a blow...my hair was sooo full and thick and luscious!!! Im soo proud! My mom was like :eek: is that your hair????? I said YUP! with pride but poise. And she was the #1 person saying "Your hair is going to fall out if you wash it more than 1x a week" "You keep braiding your hair like that, its gonna fall out" "Why don't you perm your hair again" yadda yadda yadda...but nnoooowwww finally my hair is showing and growing holla!

But you know what I also gotta vent lol...because that domincan lady was rippin my hair next tima ima bring a wide tooth comb with me instead of her using that rat tail comb on my thick curly tressess!!!! I nearly passed out.

::Siiggghh:: anyways ladies, thank you so much for your support and to the newbies...hold on tight and please take pics (dont follow in my footsteps). Its a wonderful journey
Awww congratulations on getting your lushness on! Ok -serioulsy though, about that digicam use your phone or your mama's want to see:look: Congrats again, what was your regimen aside from no heat and brushing?
I definitely feel ya on this one. I'm in the HYH Challenge and revealed a lil bit early.:lol: Anywho, my stylist and a lot of my coworker complimented me on how long my hair was getting. And DARN it felt sooo good, especially after i kept hearing it over and over again. I know if my stylist said something, i'm definitely doing something right! LOL!! So the journey has just begun, i have a long way to go. Where would i be without you wonderful ladies? I don't even wanna know!!

Well as for my regimine--I started using MTG which seriously works by the way...that has been a major contribution to my hair growth but I had to stop using it cause it stinks!!! I mean at first I was like ahhh w/e buuuttt my neck got black and just a hoopla of problems--Im gonna go back to that though.

My hair also stopped shedding finally!!! I just stop playing with my hair...I leave it alone and stop stressing how long its gotten. LIke everyday I used to check if it grew an inch lol but its just so much better to relax and let motha nature do her thing.

I also pree poo and sometimes I baggie not often--only when my hair is super dry.