Update Video & Oscar Blandi Treatment Reviews


old head
I'm doing this new thing this year where I do an update video every quarter, with progress pictures, styles, and whatever else I've been up to for the 3-month period. I've posted my first quarter review video on Vimeo (this is a nice site, btw, if you're looking for somewhere to post videos that is more controlled than yt).

update video
pw is in my profile

I've also been trying out some Oscar Blandi hair treatments. A while back I got a good deal on Gilt.com for a 3-pack of samples of the "Exfoliating", "Marine Mud", and "Jasmine Smoothing" treatments. I'm out of the exfoliating one already, and have used the others at least 3 times each (they are almost gone -- samples were about 2oz each). I have to say I've really liked all of these.

The Exfoliating Treatment left my scalp feeling lovely -- it has these little jojoba beads in it that just melt in :lick: Very refreshing scent. My roots felt softer after using this. I used it as a pre-poo.

The Marine Mud Treatment is definitely my favorite. I've tried it as both a pre-poo and as a regular after-poo deep con. I :love: the way it smells. It's sort of hard to describe, sort of earthy but powdery. It is great for strengthening without making the hair hard or dry. My hair just soaks this stuff right up. What I like about it that makes it a contender against my long-time favorite, AO GPB, is that it does not leave a residue in my hair. I typically only use GPB as a pre-poo because it is a little heavy for my hair (even though it is a great conditioner). The mud mask rinses clean and leaves my hair much more voluminous. Love it!! I think I may get the full size of this one :yep:

I also liked the Jasmine Smoothing Treatment. I noticed that Oscar Blandi has a full line of these "smoothing" products. It smells ok -- I sort of can't decide if I like it or not :lol: It is meant to be used as a deep conditioner (like the others), but I prefer to use it after another conditioner, as it doesn't have enough "substance" to it for my use. It is creamy, but not super moisturizing. It DOES deliver on the smoothing and silkening :up: If I didn't already have a bottle of Kim Vo Glaze, I might consider using this (OB has their own clear rinse as well, called Luce). I don't think I would need both this and the Glaze, though.
If you're looking for a smoothing treatment and want something that's more of a conditioner rather than a clear rinse, you might check this out.

Hope that helps anyone who may have been eyeing Oscar Blandi products. I always see them and consider trying out a few things, but something else always ends up getting my attention. I'm glad I was able to get these samples (plus a cute little shower clock w/timer!), since I think I'm going to get that mud mask! :up: I actually want the scalp treatment too, but I'll wait until I run out of my Jason Biotin con first.

Thanks for reading, sorry so long :lol:
Hope that helps anyone who may have been eyeing Oscar Blandi products. I always see them and consider trying out a few things, but something else always ends up getting my attention. Thanks for reading, sorry so long :lol:

Thanks for a Great Review!

I've looked at these Product Line numerous times but was never really 'inspired' to drop them into a Cart & Hit Click.:look:

Now, I have a good review and another perspective.

Thanks for Your Post!:grin:
I've looked at these Product Line numerous times but was never really 'inspired' to drop them into a Cart & Hit Click.:look:
You're welcome!

Me too! I'd pick them up in the store even, but always put them back. It was literally years before I actually tried this brand. I almost bought the dry shampoo once, but ended up getting Ojon. Now I'm curious about the rest of the line. I hope I don't succumb to a PJ attack...:lol: