*** UPDATE Thread!!!!!!!!! - Pic Heavy ***


Well-Known Member
Helllloooooooooo Everybody!!!!!!

I have been due an update thread for.... years :look:!!!

I've recently returned to the hair forum (during the beginning of the year I visited the LHCF Health & Fitness threads more than anything) and I've noticed there are A LOT of new members here; so welcome to you all!!!

Some of you may know I started at SL back in 2008. At that time, I was experiencing a tremendous amount of hair issues, my hair was excessively dry and I had extreme breakage. I had actually accepted it before 2008 and thought it was something I had to live with :nono:.
It was time for a change and wanted to see if there was any hope of my hair getting past SL. I had been stuck there all my life!
I stumbled across MaCheriAmour's YouTube videos and realised that actually, maybe I could grow longer hair.
I took her advice to create a hair diary and started taking progress pics.

I started at this length in March 2008...


Yeah! Not great!!!!

I embarked on the following regimen:

  • Wash hair twice a week with Ayurvedic powders and follow up with deep conditioning.

  • Plait hair into box braids after every wash and wear wigs as a protective style.

  • Moisturise and seal twice a day and baggy every night!
  • Flaxseed, MSM, Vitamin B, Multi vitamins and Silica.
Soon after I started to pre-poo with Ayurvedic oils the night before my washes.

June, 2008: The condition of my hair improved and I started to gain length...


Continued to gain more length on the same regimen...

October, 2008...



I'm so annoyed that the hairdresser who did my hair that day has immigrated, lol!!!!

The longer my hair got, the simpler my regimen became, so I started to cut out the Ayurvedic element of my regimen and supplements. I stuck with the wigs as a protective style, moisturising and sealing daily, baggying and deep conditioning.

August, 2009...


And I had an ok ponytail...


June, 2010


This is around the time I got really lax with my regimen in the sense that deep conditioning was a rare occurrence (I know, terrible :blush:). However, I was still moisturing ans sealing regularly and sticking with the wigs as a protective style.

This is what I have continued to do up until present.

So, now I think I can claim waist length. I'm not sure when I made WL, as I haven't taken any pics since June of last year, but I'm fairly sure I've been there for a year already. With a stricter regimen, I think I'd probably be hip length by now!!!

I have been doing my own trims (every 3 months) for the last year and a half or so in an attempt to get rid of the W shape in my hair. I now have a V shape, which is better but I think I want to go for the blunt shape now.

So these are my current progress pics...

November, 2011


My last relaxer was on 2nd November, 2011 and the previous was in July, 2011. Hopefully, I will be able to stretch for 5 to 6 months at a time from now on.
I'm trying get my regimen straight for January, 2012 so I've got just under 2 months to settle on something that will be realistic to stick to. I will definately stick to the moisturing/sealing daily, deep conditioning, and protective styling.
I may go back to vitamins and I think I want to incorporate ayurvedic oils in my regimen again.

When I'm set on a regimen, I will be back with an update!!!

Thank you to all the members who have given me support and advice along the way!!!

Hip length and beyond??!??!?!!!!!
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vestaluv1 WOW! I'm adding you as on of my hair inspirations! Your hair is beyond gawgeous and thick too! Aren't you HL now though?

Thanks for the detailed hair journey, I started where you did last year and know realistically I can be WL/HL next year.

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I remember you when i first joined!!!!

Your hair is freaking AMAZING!!! lush thick!!!

Dayum! That's inspirational! :)
Your hair has come leaps and bounds, and I can only hope to have a similar kind of progress :)
Very Beautiful!
vestaluv1 - First of all let me say that your hair is gorgeous. What do you moisturize and seal your hair with. How long did you leave your hair in the box braids before you redid them? Also, how often do you deep condition?
Your Hair is incredible and you have such awesome progress! You make me want to go back to wigs lol

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Unreal! I really need to get serious about this hair thing, particularly protective styling. Thanks for the inspiration; your hair is amazing!
AMAZING PROGRESS!!!! I remember seeing those first couple of pics in your siggy before. Your hair looks great.
:waytogo: :congrats:



I'm so annoyed that the hairdresser who did my hair that day has immigrated, lol!!!! :sad:

I know how you feel.


This picture got me

November, 2011


Oh my such a beauty, this is to all the none believers out there, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!!
Unreal....amazing....so inspiring...your progress has motivated me all the way into 2012 :yep:

Gorgeous hair!
Beautiful progress and hair! Whatever you've been doing, keep doing, it's definitely working for you.