Update on Underprocess, desparetely dry hair


New Member

I just wanted to say thanks for all the advise I received through the various threads re: my extra dry hair.

On August 13, I did Profectiv touch-up home relaxer and noticed that my hair was so dry the strands were virtually impenetrable.

I took everyones advice and did mayonnaise treatment, Cassia henna, no minieral oil products, deep conditions, Porosity Control shampoos and conditioners, you name it I tried it.

Since, then my hair is a lot better, it's not as moisturized as it was. I have been doing CW daily for 1.5yrs and I think that's the only thing that kept my hair for completely breaking off. I stopped with the drug store cheap products completely and started using

SE moisturing treatment about 3x a week for my CW

Cantu rince out conditioner 3x a week

1x a week, ORS replenishing treatment, right after my henna treatment that day

Only using moisturizing shampoos about once every 1-2wks (thanks supergirl)

SE moisturizing leave-in

Elasta QP replenshing leave-in

Pantene wrap/set

Proclaim spray on gloss

At night I went back to my Qhemet Biologics Olive Oil & Amla heavy cream on my scalp and ends

and that's all I put in my hair on any particular day

Sounds like a lot but it's actually way less of products than I used to put on my hair, less certainly is more. I had been using Scurl no drip and it has stopped working for me. Suave Humectress seemed to all of a sudden make my hair more day. None of my staples were softening it.

Also, I had stopped making my foods w/ olive oil, I had stopped having my flax seed oil, fish oil, evening primose and my hair seem to immediately suffer from the loss of those things. I have noticed that since i've been back on this healthy way of eating my hair has improved. It hasn't totally gone back to the softness I had before. And I can't can't can't wear it out. I blow dry it, it looks like a mess and doesn't stay flat, I do roller sets I get the same results and this has never happened to me before. Only solution I can find is that my hair is severely underprocessed. I can honestly say that since i've been relaxing it at home for a little over a year now, every process I have done has been underprocessed but it was always able to get straight and it has never been dry before. I know my hair is not damaged though, I hardly use heat products.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to update and also give people who are also suffering from impenetrable shafts alternative ideas on a solutions. I can say my lack of flax seed and olive oil in my diet added to the stress of my dry hair.

they say that a lack of omega 3's, which is in flax seed can cause dry hair. have you noticed more growth since changing your diet.
That's really good that you are seeing an improvement in your hair already. The ladies here are always sooooo helpful. Now that you are back on track grow girl grow!!!!!
Yes, my scalp isn't dry anymore. Prior to me getting back on the flax my skin was so dry and peeling, now everything seems to be getting back to normal. My new growth is a lot more manageable. I was even able over the weekend to have a manageble fluff. I blew out my hair just to see where my moisture process is and I could actually where a pony tail that didn't look like an afro. It was frizzy but controlled. I have a long ways to go. I just don't understand why my hair won't get flat. It looks like a Diana Ross hair-do. I can't figure it out. Only thing I can think of is most of my hair from scalp to ends is underprocessed, and therefore not relaxed? I don't know but it seems so scary for me not to be able to roller set and have silky hair. Instead it's rough, dry and frizzy no matter what I do.

I hadn't straighten since April, I've done it 3x since then and I keep getting the same results. I guess I keep repeating myself in despare hopes of coming up w/ a solution. lol Or just hoping someone else can figure it out.