Update on the weaves


New Member
ok, ladies on saturday i finally got my sew in weave redone after five months (i know i know.lol) Well not only did the weave hold up very nicely but, my hair finally grew. lol. I went from being just touching shoulder length to some parts being past armpit length. Now my hair naturally grows in a n shape with the sides always being longer. So the sides were armpit and the rest of my hair was past shoulder length (maybe like an 1 or so shorter) Mind you this is all with out a perm (the back of my hair hasnt had one since last May) it was blow dried just enough so it can be dry, so the lengths are probably longer. I have decided that i am done with perms and from the looks of the front of my hair flat ironing with the chi iron (amazing i now HAVE to get one) will do fine for me to keep my hair straight, it is still straight from saturday and it has been raining. This is just to let you ladies curious about getting a weave that it can really help you with growth (or help you keep your hands out of your head so it will grow). Now i have been slacken on my vits (not taking them at all), washed my hair like once or twice a month (i know, a hot mess), and i just strated spraying my hair with this hair spray that i mixed up everyday like 2months ago. So i basically did nothing and my hair is growing great, now aside from the unevenness (which is just how my hair grows) i think i am on the right track and will continue to keep on weavin my hair up. I hope to be full armpit length (that is everything be there or a lil further natural) by august, so another five months, and i will then cut it even if it doesnt even out on its own.....hope this helps someone
P.S i do have pix done with a camera not the best length shots, i didnt want my stylist to think i was hair struck (even though i was), so i did them really quick in the bathroom.
I feel you on the sew ins. I have one now and my hair does really well when it is sewed up for a couple of months. I have shoulder length hair right now. I hope to get to your lenght by the end of the year. So, how are you caring for your hair underneath?
I feel you on the sew ins. I have one now and my hair does really well when it is sewed up for a couple of months. I have shoulder length hair right now. I hope to get to your lenght by the end of the year. So, how are you caring for your hair underneath?

uhm i am doing very little, i wash whenever i feel like i REALLY need to. This time i am gonna try to wash my hair more often like once every two or so weeks (after i get my chi flat iron), and make sure the i spray my hair with this (vatika, alma oil, water, aftrica braid spray, olive oil, and regular conditioner) thingy i just mixed in a srapy bottle (i put this directly on the braids underneath). It was a really shock when i looked in the mirror, i wasnt expecting the length i got.
http://private.fotki.com/growmelongnow/ ok ladies my password is in my profile. i updated. the one picture that i wanted was not sending from my phone. well it is a picutre taken through the mirror, so like look in the mirrow and you will be able to see the length. Next time i promise i will take better pictures. and i know i know i am wearinig black (horrible). but i promise if you look you can kinda see.
I can see your picture its long in the back but hard to see because your wearing a black shirt, but this is in interesting post. I decided to get my hair weaved up because I had to have a trim again after only two months. My ends were jacked up. I might have to get another one as soon as i come out of the weave. I haven't set a time. I might leave it in three months and then redo it. I was thinking wear weaves until atleast July, perhaps I can get over the hump. I had my hair cut to shoulder length again and I was very unhappy. But I love my weave its really cute and I think I will enjoy it I will post pictures later. I am at work right now and will not be able to. But thanks for sharing your story. Five months is a long time to keep a weave in isn't it.
I can see your picture its long in the back but hard to see because your wearing a black shirt, but this is in interesting post. I decided to get my hair weaved up because I had to have a trim again after only two months. My ends were jacked up. I might have to get another one as soon as i come out of the weave. I haven't set a time. I might leave it in three months and then redo it. I was thinking wear weaves until atleast July, perhaps I can get over the hump. I had my hair cut to shoulder length again and I was very unhappy. But I love my weave its really cute and I think I will enjoy it I will post pictures later. I am at work right now and will not be able to. But thanks for sharing your story. Five months is a long time to keep a weave in isn't it.

yeah it is REALLY long, probably too long. I guess i got lucky and didnt get any breakage. But i wont be leaving this one in for that long again:nono:. this will be out by may. now i just need to put my old pictures bakc there because those got deleted in the process of me trying to get that pic up:wallbash:. And next time i will take WAY better pictures, with my camera, not cellphone.:yep:
I been searching for this thread since yesterday morning :grin:

anywho today marks 1 month since I have this sew in and I can't wait to take it out but I'm gonna hang in there for a bit longer. I also think I will redo it once I take it out. I kinda like the style it's in. What makes me wanna take it out at times is the tedious process to wash the hair underneath. I washed yesterday and my scalp feels better.......not itching as much as before. I've only washed twice for the month.

I moisturized with tea tree oil and amla oil. Someone told me about wild growth oil yesterday so I gonna look for that today.