Update on my silk wrap...


New Member
I hardly ever post but I finally came up with how to help the ladies who head sweats when attempting to do the silk wrap. Anywho, I tried to find the original thread about this issue but it was taking toooo long:blush:! Well I usually could only stay under the dryer at the silk wrapping part for 2-3 minutes before I was sweating buckets:lachen:....but today it finally dawned on me that if I set my dryer to the LOWEST setting, I could stay under for atleast fifteen minutes w/o sweating a drop. I have one of those dryers from Sally's that you have to sit under sorta like the "Pibbs" and it has low, med, high, and perm settings. I never thought to use the low because I just wanted to get it done, but apparently since my hair was already dry, I didn't need the high setting to do this at all!!! So please try this and see if it helps. Sorry for the long post. Happy silk wrapping ladies.
Thanks for the tip. When I attempt to do a silk wrap I will try this for sure.

I can just imagine me sweating like a pig using the highest setting available.:nono: