Update on my daughter...


Well-Known Member
Well my husband and I are kind of ticked off right now. The social workers (who I don't believe really care and have not really tried to find her) went up to the apartment and confronted the man. Of course he denied knowing her but they did talk to the property manager and let him know to be on the look out. We are mad because the plan was to wait and then my spy would call when she arrived, now they have basically tipped her off. Then on Saturday my spy called and said the man started threatening her and she had to call the police. They refused to do anything because there was no evidence. My pastor and his wife was going over there but she called and said everything was okay. Later that night she spotted my daughter and got her to come inside and talk. She tried to call me but could not get through.

I am still mad at her mom because she is still hiding her. She has been out of school for over a month. Plus she allowed her to go out late without knowing where because she was headed to that man's apartment when my spy convinced her not to go. The social workers suck and please believe if something happens to my child, they will lose their jobs. Then to top it all off I spoke to my spy who told me that my daughter looked bad. She said her hair was not done and she was wearing a cap. She said her clothes were dirty and she just did not look good. This truly breaks my heart. I am hoping that maybe when she comes over again she can convince her to call us.

Right now I think she is embarassed and has too much pride. But I know that prayer changes things and I will continue to do so. Oh and if you guys would like to see our last picture that we took, it is in my weightloss fotki album and the password is weightloss. Sorry the pic is sideways I've got to load some more and then flip it. Thanks again for all of your prayers ladies Q.
I am sorry to hear of what you are going through Queeny. I will keep your daughter in my prayers. This battle is not yours! I will pray peace in your situation and that He brings your daughter back safely. Hugs, Meka
I will pray for you. Have you all tried putting flyers up? I mean flood the area, that way maybe it will scare that old creep into staying away from her. I would knock on all the neighbors doors and hand them a flyer in person. You can just say "She ws last seen coming out of that building at the end of the street". I pray she returns home to you.