Update on Deep Moisture Method.....


Well-Known Member
After giving myself a relaxer touchup a few weeks ago, I use the DMM and left my hair alone for 2 weeks. I moisturised it every other day and oiled my scalp every other day, but that's it. My 2 weeks was over last Saturday and I took my hair down and all is well. I was a little concerned because after a relaxer we all know how important it is to keep the hair moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. Well I'm happy to report that my hair is fine. I see no breakage, in fact I see newgrowth. I redid my hair with DMM and I will keep these plaits in for another 2 weeks. The end of this month I'm going to redo but this time they will be staying in for 4 weeks. I wanted to exercise some caution after giving myself the relaxer which is why I kept the plaits in 2 weeks and not the 4 weeks I usually do. I can't wait to see my hair at the end of this Lady Paniolo challenge. I just wanted to report back with an update!