Update on coconut/lime


New Member
Hey. Is anyone still doing that coconut milk and lime mixture? I was thinking of trying it as a preshampoo treatment to make my hair silkier when I'm planning on wearing it straight.
I just put a batch in the freezer last night. I'm saving it until the next time I ready to wash my hair. It has gotten really cold down here all of a sudden, so i'm waiting on a little sunshine!
I don't use the coconut and lime. I use 1/2 coconut milk and 1/2 conditioner(my own mixture) because it helps it not to tangle so much
I have the mixture of coconut milk lime , henna , castor oil ans gpb on my hair right now under a cap. It't been about an hour, so I'll be washing it out pretty soon !
Well, I used suave coconut conditioner then the tropical coconut shampoo then conditioner again. Next I rinsed and used my cream of nature shampoo then conditioned with gpb and some hot oil. Then I used my super charger by paul mitchell. I had to get all the henna out and get my hair back to a managable state. I used some ic leave in, pantene oil moisturizer with wrap lotion and a little castor oil. Next I combed thru and got under the dryer for about an hour. I slept in a satin scarf and ran thru it with a flat iron. My hair is wavy up top but I am able to comb thru without any breakage. So it worked out for me !
Thanks you guys! I bought the henna at Whole Foods Market. I was talking to a stylist at Trade Secret who just bashed the henna because of the protein. (like protein is a bad thing) Then I looked at her head, thin hairline head full of weave. Not my inspiration. She was trying to convince me how much better their coloring product are. Then she told me the price of their coloring services. WHEW! I told her I'll stick to my henna for now, it's all natural!

I'll put up product pics today...