UPDATE: I ask that you pray for me.


New Member
Hi everyone,

Thank you Cincybrownsugar, Not Rapunzel, and good2uuuu for all of your prayers.

I still don't have a car but the Lord has taken care of that. He has an angel living next door to me. She has been giving me rides to work and cheerfully asking if I need to go anywhere else. What a blessing. Thank you Jesus.

I will get a nice check for my car today or tomorrow but time is to short for me to look for a car before we move. The Lord has blessed me with funds for a comfortable move so that all of our needs are met. My fiance and I work in the same place just slightly different hours but not by much. This makes it so we can car pool for awhile. We would rather not have to add another car payment so we have decided to use some of the money for a used car with no payments. For now Jesus has taken care of me and answered all of my prayers as I was going through hard times. He has humbled me, increased my faith, and allowed me to grow as a Christian and a virteous woman of God. He has prepared me in all things.

I am blessed and I thank you so much for your prayers. I love you all.

Andrea :)
Glory to God
I was happy to add you to my prayer list. I am so happy that things are looking up for you. It is great when there are kind people willing to offer a helping hand in a time of need. I hope your move is a smooth one, and good luck in all your future endeavors.

Your baby is such a cutie :)
God we grant favor and divine providence for our dear sisters as she acknowledges that You are in control of her life. We pray God that Your perfect will be designed for her life. We commit her life to You. You know her needs for transportation and other areas. We ask God in Jesus name that You meet needs according to Your perfect will and give her wisdom to know God that You are too wise to make any mistakes. We thank you for what You are going to do in her life and declare victory over the enemy in Jesus name AMEN, AMEN and AMEN! :)