Update from October '10 until May '11... (pics included)


New Member
I've been MIA, kinda lurking and taking care of two kids, a hubby, a full time gig, friends, family, a house... just not as much time to sit online. But anyway, I've been paying some extra attention to my hair to finally get it from MBL to WL and beyond. Included are my update pics from October '10 until present. I'm hoping to be HL by October of this year and maaaaybe TBL by December. We'll see though,I'm tall with a LONG back! :grin: (I've shared these pics on K-I-S-S for those of you who are members there as well)

I've been taking Country Life Maxi Hair coupled with vitamin E, doing a lot of c/o washes and buns. That's pretty much the extent of it. :yep:


  • Oct2010.jpg
    200.8 KB · Views: 359
  • Mar 2011.jpg
    Mar 2011.jpg
    495.6 KB · Views: 350
Gorgeous! I think I'm about to relax after almost 4 years, tired of the long BKT process and the SSKs are kicking my butt crazily. What relaxer do you use?
Thanks for sharing. Your hair is definitely beautiful!!!
How tall are you? I am a tall chic myself.
This is what I like talking about on this board. Growing hair! lol It's so pretty. You will be HL before you know it. The same with TBL.
Absolutely stunning! Luv it 

I am so happy to see hair porn! It seems like there aren't as many updates from long-hairs as in the past 