UPDATE from April, May & June


New Member
Ive been pretty MIA here, but I wanted to check in and show you my progress so far. I am SO glad I have stuck with my healthy hair practices because they are really paying off.

Attached are pics from April (the last update I did), mid May, and today.

Good luck to you all on your haircare journey!


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  • midmay.jpg
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great job! what's your regimen?

I just finished a 10 wk stretch. While I was stretching I shampooed once every 2 weeks and cowashed in between, dcing with each wash. I then use a cheapie condish as a leave in and seal with doo gro mega thick oil, air dry and either do a bantu knot out or bun it up.

poo: Leonor Greyl Bamboo (expensive but SO worth it! sulfate free)
condish: HE LTR or Suave Naturals Coconut
DC: Motions Silk Protein or Lustrasilk Shea Mango Cholesterol
leave-ins: Suave Naturals Coconut, Silicon Mix, or Lustrasilk (depending on how my hair feels)

I havent used my blowdrier since Feb and my hair is thanking me :)