Upcoming move to DC Reason to self relax?


New Member
Hello all...
I am trying to plan out my life for the following year about in the summer I will start attending law school. I have lived in NYC for 6 years and before that I lived in Boston. Finding the right sytlist in NY has taken all 6 years and now I am happier just going to stylists when I need a touch up... anyway, long story short, I know I will be a BROKE student and I have heard that DC prices are higher than NYC prices (touch up)... also, i don't want to have to search for a stylists
I think I am going to start self relazing. I am really scared because I don't want to break off my hair, but who can I trust better than myself? Right now I am about 8 weeks post and I am attempting to go 10-12 weeks. Then I might self relax.....
I need help, encouragement, advise

Sorry this is so long :confused:
Yeah, I don't know anywhere in the DC area with prices like that. There are some good threads on here about self-relaxing if you go that route. :)
Well...the cheapest I've seen here in D.C. for a relaxer is $85 plus tip. So yeah...you're in for it.

HOWEVER...I do my relaxer and three of my girls as well. I use the Affirm Sensitive Scalp system and with all of the steps that go with it broken down into 9 uses...the products cost about $20 per use. I don't charge you for putting it in, of course, but you gotta pay me for my products.

I haven't been to anyone's hair school but it seems to work well for us. We all have healthy hair. I don't do cuts or trims or any of that stuff. I'll just do your relaxer for you so you can save some money and not worry about doing it yourself because honestly...if you're not used to doing it yourself you can do significant damage especially to the top where you really can't see the transition from new growth to relaxed hair well.

Send me a PM if you wanna. Oh yeah...I'll prolly need some free legal help one day after you've graduated and working for a big time law firm. LOL!
I don't self relax, so I can't offer advice with that but please check out the thread on Rollerwrap Express and Kei in the Salon forum. She does relaxers from $45-$65 (not as bad) and $15 doobies.

Oh, and yes, Creole's offer is also too good to pass up!!
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CreoleInDC said:
Well...the cheapest I've seen here in D.C. for a relaxer is $85 plus tip. So yeah...you're in for it.

HOWEVER...I do my relaxer and three of my girls as well. I use the Affirm Sensitive Scalp system and with all of the steps that go with it broken down into 9 uses...the products cost about $20 per use. I don't charge you for putting it in, of course, but you gotta pay me for my products.

I haven't been to anyone's hair school but it seems to work well for us. We all have healthy hair. I don't do cuts or trims or any of that stuff. I'll just do your relaxer for you so you can save some money and not worry about doing it yourself because honestly...if you're not used to doing it yourself you can do significant damage especially to the top where you really can't see the transition from new growth to relaxed hair well.

Send me a PM if you wanna. Oh yeah...I'll prolly need some free legal help one day after you've graduated and working for a big time law firm. LOL!
:eek: :eek: :eek: ... WFT....
I might have to take you up on that offer. I'll PM you
But you also do your own relaxer? How long have you self relaxed? How did you overcome "the fear" of self relaxing (or was there even a fear)?
Yup...I do my own. Never had a fear. Just knew it was cheaper to do myself without worrying that the stylist didn't have enough time to do it right or that she was using an inferior product on my hair. I don't mind spending the money on great products. But I do mind paying good money to someone to do it professionally and find they were using some jacked up crap on my hair and overlapping. I can't steal from myself.

Think about it. How many times have you watched a stylist overlapped someone elses hair? Or not deep condition someone's head after EVERY touch up? Deep conditioning isn't standard in most salons after a touch-up. It's extra. AND WHY I GOTTA PAY YOU $15.00 FOR SLAPPING SOME DEEP CONDITIONER ON MY HAIR AND PUTTING ME UNDER THE DRYER?????

I'm going off on a tangent here. If you want me to do your touch-up...I'll do it. I'm just not doing a touch-up less than 8 weeks post relaxer. Oh...and you can style it yourself. I have 4 bathrooms...I'm sure you can find some privacy. LOL!
I don't mean to hijack the thread but....Creole, your braidout looks fantastic. How many braids did you put in your hair? And you stated that you curled the ends under and pinned them with clips, how exactly did you do that? Thanks.
:mad: How you going to just high jack my thread. In the name of the never going natural thread, I declare WAR! It's on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two in the front on either side of my middle part. Two on the sides interlocked with each other and the one in the front on that side. Three directly up top from end of middle part for about two inches interlocked. Three in the back "curled" individually.

Each of the braids were "rolled" like a cinnamon bun and clipped flat using a hair clip. Once they were patially dry and the "rolled parts" stayed rolled, I removed the hair clip, put on a satin skull cap and then my head scarf.

Finger comb from UNDER the braids lightly so you can hide the parts.
Don't bring that crazy never going natural crap in here. Some of them irked the hell outta me. Ignant ish makes me wish I had superhero powers. ROFL!
Girl, I sat back and watched that thread open and I was like.... it about to get hostile up in there. At first, I was surprised that it didn't, then this morning I click on it and I am reading and I like
Oh no she didn't
Oh yes she did

It was like I was in high school again.... but it was entertaining!!!
shortness said:
:mad: How you going to just high jack my thread. In the name of the never going natural thread, I declare WAR! It's on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for the mini-hijack. I promise I won't do it again. :)