Unsolved (Hair) Mysteries


Trichological Alchemist
Trying this post again....the server booted me off. :look:

This is completely random, but I was sitting under my hair dryer while deep conditioning and could not let go of the question: Why on Earth is the nape area called a “kitchen”? I just don’t get it. :confused:

This led to other questions like:

--Scab Hair: Fact or Fiction? :sekret:

--Why do people find long hair intimidating? (I’ve actually gotten this response from other women) :perplexed

--Why does the hair on many people’s head grow .5 inches per month, but the hair on their chin grows .5 inches in a week?….....…Okay, maybe that one is just for me! :lachen:

Does anyone else have any hair mysteries you ponder? Or, does anyone have any answers to these questions?
Why do we have 10 diff. textures on our heads?

Why will one part of your hair be perfectly moisturized and the other half dry?
Wildchild453 said:
Why do we have 10 diff. textures on our heads?

Why will one part of your hair be perfectly moisturized and the other half dry?

That question causes me particular difficulty? :confused: But usually it comes out "Why do I have to have 10 diff. textures?" :whyme: :look: :lol:

It's amazing!!!
why are such terrible and useless hair products marketed to us?

why is growing and maintaining our hair type such a mystery??

why did we have to find a forum such as this just to learn the truth about growing and maintaing long healthy hair?
I was thinking about this in the shower today: Why can some people treat their hair like crap and it still grows long... i hate that!
Legend said:
Trying this post again....the server booted me off. :look:

This is completely random, but I was sitting under my hair dryer while deep conditioning and could not let go of the question: Why on Earth is the nape area called a “kitchen”? I just don’t get it. :confused:

This led to other questions like:

--Scab Hair: Fact or Fiction? :sekret:

--Why do people find long hair intimidating? (I’ve actually gotten this response from other women) :perplexed

--Why does the hair on many people’s head grow .5 inches per month, but the hair on their chin grows .5 inches in a week?….....…Okay, maybe that one is just for me! :lachen:

Does anyone else have any hair mysteries you ponder? Or, does anyone have any answers to these questions?
Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr (noted african amer. historian, from havard?) wrote a mini historial summary about the kitchen called IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THE KITCHEN in a book called TENDERHEADED around 2001. basically he says women used to get their hair hot combed in the kitchen and the kitchen was the center of the home where women gathered, and even bathed (in tin tubs).He said ppl use to look at the kitchen to see if you really had "good hair" because that would be the place where hair would usually revert first. Also, my grandma(RIP 1912-2000) said ppl said it during her time to, their can be only one cook in the kitchen meaning stay out of my business or stay out of my hair or leave my hair alone.
Why is hair intimidating? I dont know women are so intimidated by women with long thick healthy hair, healthy skin, and a women with a beautiful figure/shape. The claws often come out. I think it is a sign of health and men will take notice and that will bother other women esp if they dont get much attention.
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Legend said:
Trying this post again....the server booted me off. :look:

This is completely random, but I was sitting under my hair dryer while deep conditioning and could not let go of the question: Why on Earth is the nape area called a “kitchen”? I just don’t get it. :confused:

This led to other questions like:

--Scab Hair: Fact or Fiction? :sekret:

--Why do people find long hair intimidating? (I’ve actually gotten this response from other women) :perplexed

--Why does the hair on many people’s head grow .5 inches per month, but the hair on their chin grows .5 inches in a week?….....…Okay, maybe that one is just for me! :lachen:

Does anyone else have any hair mysteries you ponder? Or, does anyone have any answers to these questions?

OMG, I was just thinking about that! I shaved my underarms on Sunday and they need to be shaved again, ALREADY. I wish my hair on my head grew like this!

My question:
Do we really think genetics can predispose us to long or short hair? I mean think about it, if my mom who is a natural 4a/b does everything perfect and obtain hair that is WL, how can it be that I "inherit" that? Wouldn't it be that my mom is using her knowledge on my head which helps set off the basis to my length???
atlien11 said:
I was thinking about this in the shower today: Why can some people treat their hair like crap and it still grows long... i hate that!
That would be me...sorry. The way I've treated my hair in the past I should be bald. I came here to figure out how to undo the dryness I caused using cheap hair color.

On topic: Why is it when I actually do my hair it looks terrible, but when I'm in the house all day sick it looks beautiful? Whenever I wake up late and have no time to touch it, people compliment it. :mad:
MizaniMami said:
OMG, I was just thinking about that! I shaved my underarms on Sunday and they need to be shaved again, ALREADY. I wish my hair on my head grew like this!

My question:
Do we really think genetics can predispose us to long or short hair? I mean think about it, if my mom who is a natural 4a/b does everything perfect and obtain hair that is WL, how can it be that I "inherit" that? Wouldn't it be that my mom is using her knowledge on my head which helps set off the basis to my length???
When I mentioned genetics, I wasn't referring to length but strength. And mostly, those with thick/coarse strands. I think their hair can take more "punishment" i.e. heat, dyes, chemicals, tension etc. than others (fine textures/strands) w/o any breakage. jmho
JazzyDez said:
why are such terrible and useless hair products marketed to us?

why is growing and maintaining our hair type such a mystery??

why did we have to find a forum such as this just to learn the truth about growing and maintaing long healthy hair?

Yes it seems like there is a conspiracy against black hair (beauty, power, intellingence)!
Every time I go to the BSS (I've gone to Korean BSS for the last time) I look at the fake ponytails and I wonder why they hate us so much. They look awful and NOTHING like our hair.
I have one: Out of the three major people groups (Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid, the three groups that came from Noah's sons), why do blacks have the curly hair and the other two people groups have straight hair?
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foxybrownsugar said:
Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr (noted african amer. historian, from havard?) wrote a mini historial summary about the kitchen called IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THE KITCHEN in a book called TENDERHEADED around 2001. basically he says women used to get their hair hot combed in the kitchen and the kitchen was the center of the home where women gathered, and even bathed (in tin tubs).He said ppl use to look at the kitchen to see if you really had "good hair" because that would be the place where hair would usually revert first. Also, my grandma(RIP 1912-2000) said ppl said it during her time to, their can be only one cook in the kitchen meaning stay out of my business or stay out of my hair or leave my hair alone.
Why is hair intimidating? I dont know women are so intimidated by women with long thick healthy hair, healthy skin, and a women with a beautiful figure/shape. The claws often come out. I think it is a sign of health and men will take notice and that will bother other women esp if they dont get much attention.

I thought that kitchen used to be in the back of the house/the end(not the center) of the house. Which is why they called that part of your head the kitchen.

why does pubic hair grow so fast? seriously...

and why is it that when i'm far into a relaxer stretch, my WHOLE head of hair will NOT behave like it usually does? or maybe that's just me.
CarLiTa said:
...and why is it that when i'm far into a relaxer stretch, my WHOLE head of hair will NOT behave like it usually does? or maybe that's just me.

It's not just you, I have these problems, too! My hair's been struggling this week! :lol:
Denim And Leather said:
I have one: Out of the three major people groups (Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid, the three groups that came from Noah's sons), why do blacks have the curly hair and the other two people groups have straight hair?

All Mongoloids and Caucasoids don't have straight hair. It depends on what region you're from
tru_mind said:
I thought that kitchen used to be in the back of the house/the end(not the center) of the house. Which is why they called that part of your head the kitchen.

hmmm, I never heard of that one before. Who knows? It could be a combo of things/sayings ppl use to say. I only know what my grandma told me and what I read from this teacher/historian.
Wildchild453 said:
All Mongoloids and Caucasoids don't have straight hair. It depends on what region you're from

Generally speaking, Caucasoids and Monogoloids have straight hair, and this is what I'm referring to.
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Letitia said:
That Kitchen thing is a good question??? Things that make you say....hmmmm

Maybe because kitchens are usually in the back of the house. Especially in slave days. So maybe...i don't know...back of the house...back of the head. lol
Denim And Leather said:
I have one: Out of the three major people groups (Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid, the three groups that came from Noah's sons), why do blacks have the curly hair and the other two people groups have straight hair?

One explanation of this one I've heard is that the "character" of the hair (and skin color too) has alot to do with the climate each group made their home. For us, the African continent had the constant heat of the harsh sun to contend with, so the hair grew up and away from the face, neck and shoulders to help keep the body cool. Other other groups migrated to colder climates where hair would be needed for warmth and protection, so this hair grows down around the body. I don't know how true this theory is, or where I heard this from but I can see it I guess.:lol:
Sistaslick said:
One explanation of this one I've heard is that the "character" of the hair (and skin color too) has alot to do with the climate each group made their home. For us, the African continent had the constant heat of the harsh sun to contend with, so the hair grew up and away from the face, neck and shoulders to help keep the body cool. Other other groups migrated to colder climates where hair would be needed for warmth and protection, so this hair grows down around the body. I don't know how true this theory is, or where I heard this from but I can see it I guess.:lol:

Yep, this explanation definitely sounds feasible, from an evolutionary perspective. The genes selected during our ancestral history endow us with a capacity to adapt to life in varied environments--from the tundra to the jungle. This is why individuals living colder climates (ie, Antarctica) may grow more body hair...... In general, we are genetically designed in ways that suit our historical physiological niches, to promote our reproduction and survival.
Sistaslick said:
One explanation of this one I've heard is that the "character" of the hair (and skin color too) has alot to do with the climate each group made their home. For us, the African continent had the constant heat of the harsh sun to contend with, so the hair grew up and away from the face, neck and shoulders to help keep the body cool. Other other groups migrated to colder climates where hair would be needed for warmth and protection, so this hair grows down around the body. I don't know how true this theory is, or where I heard this from but I can see it I guess.:lol:

That is a veddddy interesting explanation, Dr. Slick! :scratchch
I'm still trying to remember where I heard that from though. :lol: Probably watching too much PBS, TLC, and the Discovery channel I guess :lol: If it is indeed true, that's some intelligent designing :yep:
Sistaslick said:
I'm still trying to remember where I heard that from though. :lol: Probably watching too much PBS, TLC, and the Discovery channel I guess :lol: If it is indeed true, that's some intelligent designing :yep:

From a biblical perspective, this also can be plausible. Intelligent designing, indeed! :)
This is some good stuff!!! :yep:

Another one I remembered while reading Curlee_lurker's is: Why the heck does my hair always look better at the end of the day? :confused: I mean, after work, I take my hair and plan a style for the next day, and in the morning it's busted all over again, completely unstyle-able, and I end up with a plain old ponytail.........A fake one at that!!!! Grrrrrrr! :mad: :lol:

Keep 'em coming!!!
I think the nape area is called "kitchen" because that's the private part of your hair. You don't want nobody up in your "kitchen" aka "business". I know I don't! :lol: :lol:
jwhitley6 said:
I think the nape area is called "kitchen" because that's the private part of your hair. You don't want nobody up in your "kitchen" aka "business". I know I don't! :lol: :lol:

:rofl: :rofl:
I think that mystery is finally solved!!! And good to know. I think I'm going to check out that book Foxybrownsugar mentioned. :scratchch