Unsaved family members...


New Member
I want my brother's soul to be saved soo bad! Don't really know how to reach him. Seems like he loves to do everything ungodly and never learning from the consequeses. I know that we all have our "time" to "get it" but I'd love to share some scriptures with him. He does not live in the state and has no godly influences. I'd like to be that one for him.

I have mailed him a bible and was sending scriptures periodically. He does not use email so I was texting it to him in hopes that he will pick up that bible I sent and read it. As always, fasting and praying has/will continue to be done. Anything you guys have will be greatly appreciated.

A Lot of my family isn't saved. It just takes a lot of time, prayer, godly influence (through your actions) and your intercession. I've see changes in my mother through this, and it keeps the hope alive for the others to come along. Man's hearts are in God's hands. Pray for them to be turned to Him.
All the Best
A Lot of my family isn't saved. It just takes a lot of time, prayer, godly influence (through your actions) and your intercession. I've see changes in my mother through this, and it keeps the hope alive for the others to come along. Man's hearts are in God's hands. Pray for them to be turned to Him.
All the Best

Thanks Aviah! You are soo right! It is in God's hands. I just want to do ALL that I can/am able to do to help them see. I know it will be in His time, but I just wanna be available for Him to use me, that is if I am the chosen one to bring my family/brother to Christ. :)

I know there are sooo many other Christians going through the same thing with their families! We need to fast and pray big time!
Thanks Aviah! You are soo right! It is in God's hands. I just want to do ALL that I can/am able to do to help them see. I know it will be in His time, but I just wanna be available for Him to use me, that is if I am the chosen one to bring my family/brother to Christ. :)

I know there are sooo many other Christians going through the same thing with their families! We need to fast and pray big time!

I completely agree, but am guilty of falling complacent with fasting.:perplexed
I completely agree, but am guilty of falling complacent with fasting.:perplexed

I think alot of us have... including myself! I guess I need to understand it a little better also for me to realize the power behind a fast! u know? any help with that?
Mrs.The Bronx, i know just what you mean. I feel the same way about my sister and her family and my father. It's a desperate and passionate feeling. You just want them to know Him the way you do. My sister's husband is so against church it's unbelievable. They don't even know that they don't know. Just pray for him, love him, and continue to be a godly example to him. Your love will draw him.
Mrs.The Bronx, i know just what you mean. I feel the same way about my sister and her family and my father. It's a desperate and passionate feeling. You just want them to know Him the way you do. My sister's husband is so against church it's unbelievable. They don't even know that they don't know. Just pray for him, love him, and continue to be a godly example to him. Your love will draw him.

Thank you!! I will continue to be that example.. and hopefully they will see the God in me and wanna know Him too! :) I trust that it will happen. I just have to never give up and be patient!
The other thing that I had to come to terms with is that I may not be the one to bring my family members to Christ (just as you stated earlier); as much as I want to. But I'm content knowing that I am possibly planting seeds. Someone else may water those seeds and God will provide the increase. I get discouraged sometimes because I've been asking and waiting so long. I choose to believe that they will be saved and born anew.
I will pray for you-- as I am going through the same thing with my brother. ((hugs)) I know how you feel. I will be praying for your brother too.
The other thing that I had to come to terms with is that I may not be the one to bring my family members to Christ (just as you stated earlier); as much as I want to. But I'm content knowing that I am possibly planting seeds. Someone else may water those seeds and God will provide the increase. I get discouraged sometimes because I've been asking and waiting so long. I choose to believe that they will be saved and born anew.

You are so right! I always pray for God to send laborers to my unsaved family members.. Someone who they can relate to and share a word of God with them. :) I have faith it will happen. I just wanted it to happen without them having to go thru something terrible in order to see that their way is not the right way. But some people have to learn the hard way.

I will pray for you-- as I am going through the same thing with my brother. ((hugs)) I know how you feel. I will be praying for your brother too.

Thank you for your prayers!! I will be praying for you also! :) If u dont mind, can u pm me his name so i can call him out my name? If not, thats fine too. Have a great holiday! I know i will be sharing Him with some friends over the next week! :)